DirectPlay Animated Header -- DPLMSG_GETPROPERTY DirectPlay Animated Header -- DPLMSG_GETPROPERTY* Microsoft DirectPlay SDK
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Message sent by an application to the lobby to request the current value of a property. These properties can be information such as the ranking of a player, a bitmap representing a player, or initial configuration information for the game or players that was done inside the lobby.

typedef struct {
    DWORD   dwType;
    DWORD   dwRequestID;
    GUID    guidPlayer;
    GUID    guidPropertyTag;
Identifies the message. This value is DPLSYS_ GETPROPERTY.
An application generated ID to identify the request. When the lobby responds, it will be tagged with this request ID. The application can use the request ID to match responses to pending requests.
GUID identifying the player that this property applies to (if applicable). If the property is not player-specific, this member should be set to GUID_NULL. The GUID for the player or players created by this application can be obtained from the lobby by requesting the DPLPROPERTY_PlayerGuid property.
A GUID identifying the property that is being requested. The property can one of the predefined ones listed in the section DirectPlay Defined Properties or the application/lobby can define its own GUIDs for additional properties.

Each property is identified by a GUID (defined by the application developer or the lobby developer). When a request for a property is made, the lobby responds with a DPLMSG_GETPROPERTYRESPONSE message. Even if the lobby cannot supply the information, it should respond with an error indicating the information is unavailable.

The application should not block waiting for a response and should have a way to time-out pending requests that haven't been fulfilled.

See Also


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