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IAMDirectSound Interface
The IAMDirectSound interface provides access from Microsoft® DirectShow to Microsoft DirectX audio interfaces, such as IDirectSound and IDirectSoundBuffer. This enables you to play back the audio portions of DirectShow-compatible media files anywhere within the 3-D space of a DirectX application, making your applications much more absorbing and lifelike.
After you connect the media source file to a sound renderer on a filter graph, you can use DirectSound's functionality to position or manipulate the sound playback as needed. For more information on the relevant DirectSound interfaces and methods, see the DirectX SDK documentation. After you finish with an interface you obtained through IAMDirectSound, be sure to release it by calling the appropriate method. If you disconnect the sound renderer from the graph before releasing the interfaces, your application might fail.
The DSound Audio Renderer filter implements this interface.
Note Only the GetWindowFocus and SetWindowFocus methods are currently implemented for this interface.
When to Implement
This interface is implemented by the DSound Audio Renderer filter.
When to Use
The DSound Audio Renderer filter uses this interface; it is not intended for other uses.
Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown methods Description QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces. AddRef Increments the reference count. Release Decrements the reference count.
IAMDirectSound methods Description GetDirectSoundInterface Retrieves a handle to the current sound device's IDirectSound interface. Not currently implemented. GetPrimaryBufferInterface Retrieves a handle to the current sound device's primary sound buffer. Not currently implemented. GetSecondaryBufferInterface Retrieves a handle to the current sound device's secondary sound buffer. Not currently implemented. ReleaseDirectSoundInterface Releases the current sound device's IDirectSound interface. Not currently implemented. ReleasePrimaryBufferInterface Releases the current sound device's primary sound buffer. Not currently implemented. ReleaseSecondaryBufferInterface Releases the current sound device's secondary sound buffer. Not currently implemented. SetWindowFocus Sets the window that will handle sound playback for the current media file. GetWindowFocus Retrieves the window that is handling sound playback for the current media file. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::GetDirectSoundInterfaceRetrieves a handle to the current sound device's IDirectSound interface. Not currently implemented.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::GetDirectSoundInterface(
- lplpds
- Address of a pointer to an IDirectSound interface that will point to the current sound device's interface.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL No sound device is available. E_INVALIDARG The lplpds parameter is null. E_NOTIMPL DirectSound isn't installed. NOERROR The method succeeded. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::GetPrimaryBufferInterfaceRetrieves a handle to the current sound device's primary sound buffer. Not currently implemented.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::GetDirectSoundInterface(
- lplpdsb
- Address of a pointer to an IDirectSoundBuffer interface that will point to the current sound device's primary sound buffer.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL No sound device is available. E_INVALIDARG The lplpdsb parameter is null. E_NOTIMPL DirectSound isn't installed. NOERROR The method succeeded. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::GetSecondaryBufferInterfaceRetrieves a handle to the current sound device's secondary sound buffer. Not currently implemented.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::GetSecondaryBufferInterface(
- lplpdsb
- Address of a pointer to an IDirectSoundBuffer interface. On exit, it will point to the current sound device's secondary sound buffer.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL No sound device is available. E_INVALIDARG The lplpdsb parameter is null. E_NOTIMPL DirectSound isn't installed. NOERROR The method succeeded. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::GetWindowFocusRetrieves the window that is handling sound playback for the current media file.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::GetWindowFocus(
HWND* hWnd,
BOOL bMixingOnOrOff
- hWnd
- Handle to the sound playback window. If this value is null, the sound isn't associated with a window; note that Windows NT 4.0 does not currently support windowless sound playback.
- bMixingOnOrOff
- Value indicating whether to mix the sound (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL No sound device is available. E_INVALIDARG The hWnd argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL DirectSound isn't installed. NOERROR The method succeeded. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::ReleaseDirectSoundInterfaceReleases the current sound device's IDirectSound interface. Not currently implemented.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::ReleaseDirectSoundInterface(
- lpds
- Pointer to the IDirectSound interface to release.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL There are no references to the specified IDirectSound interface, so it can't be released. E_INVALIDARG The lpds parameter is null. NOERROR The method succeeded. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::ReleasePrimaryBufferInterfaceReleases the current sound device's primary sound buffer. Not currently implemented.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::ReleasePrimaryBufferInterface(
- lpdsb
- Pointer to the IDirectSoundBuffer interface to release.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL There are no references to the specified IDirectSoundBuffer interface, so it can't be released. E_INVALIDARG The lpdsb parameter is null. NOERROR The method succeeded. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::ReleaseSecondaryBufferInterfaceReleases the current sound device's secondary sound buffer. Not currently implemented.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::ReleaseSecondaryBufferInterface(
- lpdsb
- Pointer to the IDirectSoundBuffer interface to release.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL There are no references to the specified IDirectSoundBuffer interface, so it can't be released. E_INVALIDARG The lpdsb parameter is null. NOERROR The method succeeded. IAMDirectSound Interface
IAMDirectSound::SetWindowFocusSets the window that will handle sound playback for the current media file.
HRESULT IAMDirectSound::SetWindowFocus(
HWND hWnd,
BOOL bMixingOnOrOff
- hWnd
- Handle to the sound playback window. If this value is null, the sound will not be associated with any window; note that Windows NT 4.0 does not currently support windowless sound playback.
- bMixingOnOrOff
- Value indicating whether to mix the sound (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning E_FAIL No sound device is available. E_INVALIDARG The hWnd argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL DirectSound isn't installed. NOERROR The method succeeded. © 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.