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IAMExtDevice Interface
The IAMExtDevice interface is the base interface for controlling external devices. Developers can implement this interface to control numerous types of devices; however, the current DirectShow implementation is specific to VCRs. The IAMExtDevice interface controls general settings of external hardware and is intended to be used in combination with the IAMExtTransport interface, which controls a VCR's more specific settings. You can also implement the IAMTimecodeReader, IAMTimecodeGenerator, and IAMTimecodeDisplay interfaces if your filter manages SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) timecode, and the external device has the appropriate features.
For a description of a sample filter which controls a VCR through DirectShow, see Vcrctrl Sample (VCR Control Filter).
When to Implement
Implement this interface when you want to build a filter or application that controls an external device, such as a VCR. Because this interface controls general information about a device, implement the IAMExtTransport interface in addition to control the external device's more specific properties.
An application can directly instantiate and control external devices, such as VCRs, but it is strongly recommended that you always instantiate these devices within the context of a filter graph, even if they are the only filters within the graph.
When to Use
Use this interface when you want to add external device control to your application.
Applications should use the filter graph to enumerate the filters and then get the IAMExtDevice interface directly from the appropriate filter.
Hardware Requirements
To control an external VCR, certain hardware requirements are recommended. VCRs with an RS-422 serial interface require a special serial port card or an external RS-232-to-RS-422 adapter. In addition, for best performance, your computer should have a serial port card built with a 16,550 high-performance UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) to sustain higher baud rates, such as 38.4 baud.
Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown Methods Description QueryInterface Retrieves pointers to supported interfaces. AddRef Increments the reference count. Release Decrements the reference count.
IAMExtDevice Methods Description GetCapability Retrieves the capabilities of the external device. get_ExternalDeviceID Retrieves the model number of the external device. get_ExternalDeviceVersion Retrieves the version number of the external device's operating software. put_DevicePort Specifies the communication port to which the external device is connected. get_DevicePower Retrieves whether the external device's power mode is on, off, or standby. put_DevicePower Sets the external device's power mode to on, off, or standby. Calibrate Calibrates the external device's transport mechanism. get_DevicePort Retrieves the communication port to which the external device is connected. IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::CalibrateCalibrates an external device's transport mechanism.
HRESULT Calibrate(
HEVENT hEvent,
long Mode,
long *pStatus );Parameters
- hEvent
- [in] Event used to signal completion of this process.
- Mode
- [in] Value that activates or deactivates the calibration process. Specify one of the following:
Value Meaning ED_ACTIVE Activates calibration process. ED_INACTIVE Deactivates calibration process. NULL Used to determine if current status is active or inactive. - pStatus
- [out] Value indicating whether an event is active (OATRUE) or inactive (OAFALSE).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
Use this method on certain external devices that require calibration; for example, when rewinding a tape and resetting the counter, or computing the frame offset for a timecode reader or generator.
Filters for various external devices can implement this method differently, depending on the calibration that the device needs. This method assumes the IMediaEventSink interface has already established an event sink, or that another event signaling method has been established.
IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::GetCapabilityRetrieves the capabilities of the external device.
HRESULT GetCapability(
long Capability,
long *pValue,
double *pdblValue );Parameters
- Capability
- [in] Value that specifies which capability you want to check. This parameter must be one of the following values.
Value Meaning ED_DEVCAP_CAN_RECORD Checks whether transport can record. ED_DEVCAP_CAN_RECORD_STROBE Checks whether transport can single-frame record. ED_DEVCAP_CAN_SAVE Checks whether transport can save data. ED_DEVCAP_DEVICE_TYPE Checks the external device type. ED_DEVCAP_HAS_AUDIO Checks whether transport has audio. ED_DEVCAP_HAS_VIDEO Checks whether the device has video. ED_DEVCAP_USES_FILES Checks whether transport has a built-in file system. - pValue
- [out] Value indicating the capabilities of the property specified in the Capability parameter. Returns OATRUE if the property is supported or OAFALSE if the property is not supported for all properties except ED_DEVCAP_DEVICE_TYPE. In this case, returns one of the following:
Value Meaning ED_DEVTYPE_ATR Audio Tape Recorder ED_DEVTYPE_CG Character Generator ED_DEVTYPE_DDR Digital Disc Recorder ED_DEVTYPE_DVE Digital video effects unit ED_DEVTYPE_GPI General purpose interface trigger ED_DEVTYPE_KEYER Video keyer ED_DEVTYPE_LASERDISK Laser disc ED_DEVTYPE_MIXER_AUDIO Audio mixer ED_DEVTYPE_MIXER_VIDEO Video mixer ED_DEVTYPE_ROUTER Video router ED_DEVTYPE_TBC Timebase corrector ED_DEVTYPE_TCG Timecode generator/reader ED_DEVTYPE_VCR VCR ED_DEVTYPE_WIPEGEN Video wipe generator ED_DEVTYPE_JOYSTICK Joystick ED_DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD Keyboard - pdblValue
- [out] Value indicating the capabilities of the specified property (if it is a double value). Pass NULL if not in use.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
All return values are in pValue unless you have large or floating point values to return, in which case they are returned in the pdblValue parameter.
IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::get_DevicePortRetrieves the communication port to which the external device is connected.
HRESULT get_DevicePort(
long *pDevicePort );Parameters
- pDevicePort
- [in] Port to which the device is connected. Retrieves one of the following:
Value Meaning DEV_PORT_1394 IEEE 1394 Bus DEV_PORT_ARTI ARTI driver DEV_PORT_COM1 COM1 DEV_PORT_COM2 COM2 DEV_PORT_COM3 COM3 DEV_PORT_COM4 COM4 DEV_PORT_DIAQ Diaquest driver DEV_PORT_SIM Simulation port DEV_PORT_USB Universal Serial Bus Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
See Also
IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::get_DevicePowerRetrieves the external device's power mode: on, off, or standby.
HRESULT get_DevicePower(
long *pPowerMode );Parameters
- pPowerMode
- [out] External device's power mode; can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning ED_POWER_OFF Off ED_POWER_ON On ED_POWER_STANDBY Standby Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
See Also
IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::get_ExternalDeviceIDRetrieves the model number of the external device.
HRESULT get_ExternalDeviceID(
LPOLESTR *ppszData );Parameters
- ppszData
- [out] Returns the manufacturer-specific identification number or text as a string.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::get_ExternalDeviceVersionRetrieves the version number of the external device's operating software.
HRESULT get_ExternalDeviceVersion(
LPOLESTR *ppszData );Parameters
- ppszData
- [out] Returns the manufacturer-specific operating software version number from the external device.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::put_DevicePortSpecifies the communication port to which the external device is connected.
HRESULT put_DevicePort(
long DevicePort
- DevicePort
- [in] Port to which the device will connect. Specify one of the following:
Value Meaning DEV_PORT_1394 IEEE 1394 Bus DEV_PORT_ARTI ARTI driver DEV_PORT_COM1 COM1 DEV_PORT_COM2 COM2 DEV_PORT_COM3 COM3 DEV_PORT_COM4 COM4 DEV_PORT_DIAQ Diaquest driver DEV_PORT_MIN DEV_PORT_SIM DEV_PORT_SIM Simulation port (used for "no hardware" simulation) DEV_PORT_USB Universal serial bus Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
See Also
IAMExtDevice Interface
IAMExtDevice::put_DevicePowerSets the external device's power mode to either on, off, or standby.
HRESULT put_DevicePower(
long PowerMode );Parameters
- PowerMode
- [in] Value indicating which power mode the device will have. Set to one of the following:
Value Meaning ED_POWER_OFF Off ED_POWER_ON On ED_POWER_STANDBY Standby Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.
See Also
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