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IDvdControl Interface
The IDvdControl interface controls the playback and search mechanisms of a DVD title that contains one or more video movies.
The DVD file system is very different from a format such as CD-ROM, which contains a linear series of tracks not easily customizable by the author. The author of DVD-formatted media files can control track layout and navigation much more precisely; the media file itself has many parts and control mechanisms, which enables the author to arrange and rearrange the playback order as needed. You can locate a specific portion of a file by time (in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames) or by chapter value.
A media file is made up of a list of program chains (PGCs), each of which is made up of a list of programs, each of which is made up of a list of cells, each of which is made up of a list of video object units (VOBUs), each of which is made up of a list of packs, and each of which is made up of actual MPEG data.
To obtain a copy of the DVD-Video specification, "DVD Specifications for Read-Only Disc, Part 3, Video Specifications," contact Toshiba Corporation at 1-1, Shibaura 1-Chrome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-01, Japan, Tel. +81-3-5444-9580, Fax. +81-3-5444-9430.
When to Implement
This interface is implemented by the Microsoft® DirectShow DVD Navigator to enable DVD playback.
When to Use
Use this interface to control playback (set root drive, play, stop, and so forth) or use DVD-specific functionality such as menus and buttons when playing DVD-Video files.
Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown methods Description QueryInterface Retrieves pointers to supported interfaces. AddRef Increments the reference count. Release Decrements the reference count.
IDvdControl methods Description TitlePlay Finds the media file with the specified title index and plays it back. ChapterPlay Plays the media file with the specified title index and chapter value. TimePlay Plays the media file with the specified title index, starting at the specified time. StopForResume Transitions playback to the DVD_DOMAIN_Stop state after saving resume information. GoUp Halts playback of the current media file and starts playback of the designated previous program chain (PGC). TimeSearch Halts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the specified time in the same media file. ChapterSearch Halts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the specified chapter value in the same media file. PrevPGSearch Halts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the previous chapter within the title. TopPGSearch Halts playback of the current chapter and restarts playback of the current chapter within the title. NextPGSearch Halts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the next chapter within the title. ForwardScan Search forward through the current disc at the specified speed. BackwardScan Search backward through the current disc at the specified speed. MenuCall Displays the specified menu on the screen. Resume Returns to playing back a title from a menu. UpperButtonSelect Selects the upper directional button from the displayed menu. LowerButtonSelect Selects the lower directional button from the displayed menu. LeftButtonSelect Selects the left directional button from the displayed menu. RightButtonSelect Selects the right directional button from the displayed menu. ButtonActivate Activates the selected button. ButtonSelectAndActivate Selects and activates the specified button. StillOff Resumes playback, cancelling still mode. PauseOn Pauses the current media file playback. PauseOff Unpauses the current media file playback. MenuLanguageSelect Sets the displayed language for navigation menus. AudioStreamChange Sets the current audio stream. SubpictureStreamChange Enables or disables picture-in-picture mode and sets the subpicture to the specified source. AngleChange Sets the new display angle. ParentalLevelSelect Sets the parental access level for the current media file. ParentalCountrySelect Sets the current country for controlling parental access levels. KaraokeAudioPresentationModeChange Sets the audio playback mode to karaoke. VideoModePreferrence Sets the video display mode the user prefers. SetRoot Sets the root directory containing the DVD-Video volume. MouseActivate Selects and activates a DVD button in response to a mouse click. MouseSelect Selects a DVD button in response to mouse movement. ChapterPlayAutoStop Start playing at the specified chapter within the specified title and play the number of chapters specified. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::AngleChangeSets the new display angle.
HRESULT AngleChange(
ULONG ulAngle
- ulAngle
- [in] Value of the new angle, which must be between 1 and 9.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::AudioStreamChangeSets the current audio stream.
HRESULT AudioStreamChange(
ULONG nAudio
- nAudio
- [in] Value that specifies the audio track to use, which must be between 0 and 7.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::BackwardScanSearch backward through the current disc at the specified speed.
HRESULT BackwardScan(
double dwSpeed
- dwSpeed
- [in] Value that specifies how quickly DirectShow will search through the media file. This value is a multiplier, where 1.0 is the authored speed, so a value of 2.5 would search backward at two and one-half times the authored speed.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ButtonActivateActivates the selected button.
HRESULT ButtonActivate(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
"Selecting" a DVD button simply highlights the button but does not "activate" the button. Selecting is the Windows equivalent of tabbing to a button but not pressing the space bar or enter key. Activating is the Windows equivalent of pressing the space bar or enter key after tabbing to a button.
See Also
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ButtonSelectAndActivateSelects and activates the specified button.
HRESULT ButtonSelectAndActivate(
ULONG uiButton
- uiButton
- [in] Value that specifies the button that will be selected and activated, which must be between 1 and 36.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
Electronic remote control devices typically have a number of buttons that activate various functions of a DVD playback unit. Typically, you call this method when a user clicks a button on the control device; DirectShow then indicates that the button was selected (by playing a sound or changing a graphic, for example) and calls methods appropriate to which button was selected, such as ButtonActivate.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ChapterPlayPlays the media file with the specified title index and chapter value.
HRESULT ChapterPlay(
ULONG uiTitle,
ULONG uiChapter
- uiTitle
- [in] Value that specifies the title number DirectShow will play back; this value must be between 1 and 99.
- uiChapter
- [in] Value that specifies the chapter within the specified title where DirectShow will start playback; this value must be between 1 and 999.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ChapterPlayAutoStopInstructs the DVD player to start playing at the specified chapter within the specified title and play the number of chapters specified.
HRESULT ChapterPlayAutoStop(
ULONG ulTitle,
ULONG ulChapter,
ULONG ulChaptersToPlay
- ulTitle
- [in] Title number for playback.
- ulChapter
- [in] Chapter number to start playback.
- ulChaptersToPlay
- [in] Number of chapters to play from the start chapter.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
Chapters range from 1 to 999. See EC_DVD_CHAPTER_AUTOSTOP for more information.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ChapterSearchHalts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the specified chapter within the same title.
HRESULT ChapterSearch(
ULONG Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter value that specifies the point where playback will begin.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ForwardScanSearch forward through the current disc at the specified speed.
HRESULT ForwardScan(
double dwSpeed
- dwSpeed
- [in] Value that specifies how quickly DirectShow will search through the media file. This value is a multiplier, where 1.0 is the authored speed, so a value of 2.5 would search forward at two and one-half times the authored speed.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::GoUpHalts playback of the current media file and starts playback of the designated previous program chain (PGC).
HRESULT GoUp(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Each PGC is associated with a previous PGC at authoring time, which this method sets as the new playback file.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::KaraokeAudioPresentationModeChangeSets the audio playback mode to karaoke.
HRESULT KaraokeAudioPresentationModeChange(
ULONG ulMode
- ulMode
- [in] Requested audio playback mode.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
Karaoke support is currently not implemented.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::LeftButtonSelectSelects the left directional button from the displayed menu.
HRESULT LeftButtonSelect(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
On physical or electronic remote control devices, there is often a group of four directional buttons used for certain types of operations (such as menu navigation). This method tells DirectShow that something (the user, probably) triggered the left directional button.
"Selecting" a DVD button simply highlights the button but does not "activate" the button. Selecting is the Windows equivalent of tabbing to a button but not pressing the space bar or enter key. Activating is the Windows equivalent of pressing the space bar or enter key after tabbing to a button.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::LowerButtonSelectSelects the lower directional button from the displayed menu.
HRESULT LowerButtonSelect(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
On physical or electronic remote control devices, there is often a group of four directional buttons used for certain types of operations (such as menu navigation). This method tells DirectShow that something (the user, probably) triggered the lower directional button.
"Selecting" a DVD button simply highlights the button but does not "activate" the button. Selecting is the Windows equivalent of tabbing to a button but not pressing the space bar or enter key. Activating is the Windows equivalent of pressing the space bar or enter key after tabbing to a button.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::MenuCallDisplays the specified menu on the screen.
- MenuID
- [in] Value that specifies the menu to display. Member of the DVD_MENU_ID enumerated data type.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::MenuLanguageSelectSets the displayed language for navigation menus.
HRESULT MenuLanguageSelect(
LCID LanguageCode
- LanguageCode
- Value that specifies the new language.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
This method selects the default language for menus. Call this method only from the DVD stop state (DVD_DOMAIN_Stop). Applications specify languages with Windows standard LCIDs. LCIDs can be created from ISO-639 codes with:
MAKELCID( MAKELANGID(wISO639LangID ,SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), SORT_DEFAULT )You might have to use 'jp' instead of 'ja' for the ISO639 code for Japanese if authored content uses 'jp' instead of 'ja' for Japanese or if MAKELANGID uses the wrong code for Japanese.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::MouseActivateSelects and activates a DVD button in response to a mouse click.
HRESULT MouseActivate(
POINT point );Parameters
- point
- [in] Specified point within the display window.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
This method checks the specified point within the display window to see if it is within a current DVD button's highlight rectangle. If it is, this method selects and then activates the button.
DVD buttons do not all necessarily have highlight rectangles. Button rectangles can overlap, and the rectangles do not always correspond to the visual representation of DVD buttons.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::MouseSelectSelects a DVD button in response to mouse movement.
HRESULT MouseSelect(
POINT point );Parameters
- point
- [in] Specified point within the display window.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
This method checks the specified point within the display window to see if it is within a current DVD button's highlight rectangle. If it is, this method selects the button.
DVD buttons do not all necessarily have highlight rectangles. Button rectangles can overlap, and the rectangles do not always correspond to the visual representation of DVD buttons.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::NextPGSearchHalts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the next chapter within the title.
HRESULT NextPGSearch(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ParentalCountrySelectSets the current country for controlling parental access levels.
HRESULT ParentalCountrySelect(
WORD wCountry
- wCountry
- [in] Value that specifies the current country according to the Alpha-2 Code defined in ISO3166 (except the code 'zz').
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. See Also
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ParentalLevelSelectSets the parental access level for the current media file.
HRESULT ParentalLevelSelect(
ULONG ulParentalLevel
- ulParentalLevel
- Value that specifies the current media file parental access level. Should be a value from 1 to 8, inclusive. Predefined parental levels are as follows.
1 The rating is G, General. 3 The rating is PG, Parental Guidance Suggested. 4 The rating is PG13, Parental Guidance Suggested, not recommended for those under 13. 6 The rating is R, Restricted. 7 The rating is NC17. Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
This method sets the current user's access level; this access level determines what media files the user can play back. Higher levels can play lower level content; lower levels can't play higher-level content. For example, adults can watch child-safe content, but children can't watch adult content.
The DVD Navigator filter provides no restriction on setting the parental level. DVD player applications can enforce restrictions on the parental level setting, such as providing password protection for raising the current parental level. Parental management in the DVD Navigator is disabled by default.
To disable parental management, pass 0xffffffff for ulParentalLevel. If parental management is disabled, then the player will play the first program chain (PGC) in a parental block regardless of parental IDs.
See Also
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::PauseOffUnpauses the current media file playback, which returns it to normal playback.
HRESULT PauseOff(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
If the media file wasn't paused in playback, this method does nothing.
See Also
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::PauseOnPauses the current media file playback.
HRESULT PauseOn( );
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
This method freezes playback and any internal timers, similar to IMediaControl::Pause.
If the media file wasn't running, this method does nothing.
See Also
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::PrevPGSearchHalts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the previous chapter within the title.
HRESULT PrevPGSearch(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::ResumeReturns to playing back a title from a menu.
HRESULT Resume( );
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
If the file is stopped or already running, this method does nothing.
This method returns to title playback in DVD_DOMAIN_Title. Applications typically call this method after MenuCall which puts the DVD Navigator in DVD_DOMAIN_VideoTitleSetMenu or DVD_DOMAIN_VideoManagerMenu.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::RightButtonSelectSelects the right directional button from the displayed menu.
HRESULT RightButtonSelect( );
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
On physical or electronic remote control devices, there is often a group of four directional buttons used for certain types of operations (such as menu navigation). This method tells DirectShow that something (the user, probably) triggered the right directional button.
"Selecting" a DVD button simply highlights the button but does not "activate" the button. Selecting is the Windows equivalent of tabbing to a button but not pressing the space bar or enter key. Activating is the Windows equivalent of pressing the space bar or enter key after tabbing to a button.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::SetRootSets the root directory containing the DVD-Video volume.
LPCWSTR pszPath );Parameters
- pszPath
- [in] Directory name to set as the root directory.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_POINTER NULL pointer argument. S_OK Success. Remarks
The current state must be DVD_DOMAIN_Stop when you call this method.
If you haven't set the root directory before calling IDvdControl::TitlePlay, the first drive starting from C: that contains a VIDEO_TS directory in the top level directory will be used as the root.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::StillOffResumes playback, cancelling still mode.
HRESULT StillOff( );
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
If the display image wasn't in still-store mode, this method does nothing.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::StopForResumeTransitions playback to the DVD_DOMAIN_Stop state after saving resume information.
HRESULT StopForResume(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. Remarks
If no file is playing or paused, this method does nothing.
The DVD Navigator filter transfers to the stopped state, but the filter graph remains in DirectShow's Run state.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::SubpictureStreamChangeEnables or disables picture-in-picture mode and sets the subpicture to the specified source.
HRESULT SubpictureStreamChange(
ULONG nSubPicture,
BOOL bDisplay
- nSubPicture
- Value that specifies the source of the subpicture, which must be between 0 and 31, or 63.
- bDisplay
- Boolean value that specifies whether the subpicture is enabled; TRUE makes the subpicture visible and FALSE hides it.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::TimePlayPlays the media file with the specified title index, starting at the specified time.
ULONG uiTitle,
ULONG bcdTime
- uiTitle
- Value that specifies the title number DirectShow will play back; this value must be between 1 and 99.
- bcdTime
- Pointer to the DVD_TIMECODE structure where DirectShow will start playback.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::TimeSearchHalts playback of the current chapter and starts playback from the specified time in the same media file.
HRESULT TimeSearch(
ULONG bcdTime
- bcdTime
- Pointer to the DVD_TIMECODE structure where DirectShow will start playback.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::TitlePlayFinds the media file with the specified title index and plays it back.
HRESULT TitlePlay(
ULONG uiTitle
- uiTitle
- Value that specifies the title number DirectShow will play back; this value must be between 1 and 99.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::TopPGSearchHalts playback of the current chapter and restarts playback of the current chapter within the title.
HRESULT TopPGSearch( );
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized. S_OK Success. IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::UpperButtonSelectSelects the upper directional button from the displayed menu.
HRESULT UpperButtonSelect( );
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. S_OK Success. Remarks
On physical or electronic remote control devices, there is often a group of four directional buttons used for certain types of operations (such as menu navigation). This method tells DirectShow that something (the user, probably) triggered the upper directional button.
"Selecting" a DVD button simply highlights the button but does not "activate" the button. Selecting is the Windows equivalent of tabbing to a button but not pressing the space bar or enter key. Activating is the Windows equivalent of pressing the space bar or enter key after tabbing to a button.
IDvdControl Interface
IDvdControl::VideoModePreferrenceSets the video display mode the user prefers.
HRESULT VideoModePreferrence(
ULONG ulPreferredDisplayMode
- ulPreferredDisplayMode
- [in] Value that specifies the new display mode for DVD content. Member of the DVD_PREFERRED_DISPLAY_MODE enumerated data type.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. S_OK Success. Remarks
This method changes the default video window's aspect ratio, and may also specify a default aspect ratio conversion mechanism.
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