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IDvdInfo Interface
The IDvdInfo interface enables an application to query for attributes of available DVD titles and the DVD player status. It also allows for control of a DVD player beyond Annex J in the DVD specification.
When to Implement
Do not implement this interface.
When to Use
Use this interface in your application to retrieve details about a DVD-Video or about the current state of the DVD player filter graph.
Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown methods Description QueryInterface Retrieves pointers to supported interfaces. AddRef Increments the reference count. Release Decrements the reference count.
IDvdInfo methods Description GetCurrentDomain Retrieves the current DVD domain of the DVD player. GetCurrentLocation Retrieves the current playback location. GetTotalTitleTime Retrieves the total playback time for the current title. GetCurrentButton Retrieves the number of available buttons and the currently selected button number. GetCurrentAngle Retrieves the number of available angles and the currently selected angle number. GetCurrentAudio Retrieves the number of available audio streams and the number of the currently selected audio stream. GetCurrentSubpicture Retrieves the number of available subpicture streams, the currently selected subpicture stream number, and whether the subpicture display is disabled. GetCurrentUOPS Retrieves which IDvdControl methods are valid. GetAllSPRMs Retrieves the current contents of all system parameter registers (SPRMs). GetAllGPRMs Retrieves the current contents of all general parameter registers (GPRMs). GetAudioLanguage Retrieves the language of the specified audio stream within the current title. GetSubpictureLanguage Retrieves the language of the specified subpicture stream within the current title. GetTitleAttributes Retrieves attributes of all video, audio, and subpicture streams for the specified title, including menus. GetVMGAttributes Retrieves attributes of all video, audio, and subpicture streams for video manager (VMG) menus. GetCurrentVideoAttributes Retrieves the current video attributes for the current title or menu. GetCurrentAudioAttributes Retrieves the attributes for the current audio stream in the current title or menu. GetCurrentSubpictureAttributes Retrieves the attributes for the current subpicture stream in the current title or menu. GetCurrentVolumeInfo Retrieves the current DVD volume information. GetDVDTextInfo Retrieves the TXTDT_MG structure, which can contain text descriptions for title name, volume name, producer name, vocalist name, and so on, in various languages. GetPlayerParentalLevel Retrieves the current parental level and country code settings for the DVD player. GetNumberOfChapters Retrieves the number of chapters that are defined for a given title. GetTitleParentalLevels Retrieves the parental levels that are defined for a particular title. GetRoot Retrieves the root directory that is set in the player. IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetAllGPRMsRetrieves the current contents of all general parameter registers (GPRMs).
GPRMARRAY *pRegisterArray );Parameters
- pRegisterArray
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved array of general parameter registers (GPRMARRAY).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
Use of GPRMs is title specific. GPRMs are general parameter registers. See the DVD specifications for an explanation of GPRMs.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetAllSPRMsRetrieves the current contents of all system parameter registers (SPRMs).
SPRMARRAY *pRegisterArray );Parameters
- pRegisterArray
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved array of system parameter registers (SPRMARRAY).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
See the DVD-Video specification for use of individual registers.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetAudioLanguageRetrieves the language of the specified audio stream within the current title.
HRESULT GetAudioLanguage(
ULONG nStream,
LCID *pLanguage );Parameters
- nStream
- [in] Stream number.
- pLanguage
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved language.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
This method does not return languages for menus. This method sets the value pointed to by pLanguage to zero if the stream does not include language. Call the Win32 GetLocaleInfo API as follows to create a human-readable string name from pLanguage:
GetLocaleInfo(*pLanguage, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, pszString, cbSize);IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentAngleRetrieves the number of available angles and the currently selected angle number.
HRESULT GetCurrentAngle(
ULONG *pnAnglesAvailable,
ULONG *pnCurrentAngle );Parameters
- pnAnglesAvailable
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved number of available angles. If the value pointed to equals 1, then the current video does not contain multiple angles.
- pnCurrentAngle
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved current angle number.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
Angles are interleaved video streams that presumably contain the same scene shot from different camera angles.
This method returns an error unless the domain is DVD_DOMAIN_Title.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentAudioRetrieves the number of available audio streams and the number of the currently selected audio stream.
HRESULT GetCurrentAudio(
ULONG *pnStreamsAvailable,
ULONG *pnCurrentStream );Parameters
- pnStreamsAvailable
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved number of available audio streams
- pnCurrentStream
- [out] Pointer to the current stream number.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
This method returns an error unless the domain is DVD_DOMAIN_Title.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentAudioAttributesRetrieves the attributes for the current audio stream in the current title or menu.
HRESULT GetCurrentAudioAttributes(
DVD_AudioATR *pATR );Parameters
- pATR
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved audio attributes.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
See the DVD-Video specification for information about DVD_AudioATR.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentButtonRetrieves the number of available buttons and the currently selected button number.
HRESULT GetCurrentButton(
ULONG *pnButtonsAvailable,
ULONG *pnCurrentButton );Parameters
- pnButtonsAvailable
- [out] Pointer to the number of buttons available.
- pnCurrentButton
- [out] Pointer to the number of the current button.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
If buttons are not present this method returns zero for both pnButtonsAvailable and pnCurrentButton.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomainRetrieves the current DVD domain of the DVD player.
HRESULT GetCurrentDomain(
DVD_DOMAIN *pDomain );Parameters
- pDomain
- [out] Pointer to the current domain which is a member of the DVD_DOMAIN enumerated type.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. Typical return values might include one of the following:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_INVALIDARG Input argument is invalid. E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported. E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory (insufficient buffer space). E_POINTER NULL pointer argument. E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized or domain is not DVD_DOMAIN_Title. VFW_E_DVD_OPERATION_INHIBITED Requested action cannot occur at this point in the movie due to the authoring of the current DVD-Video disc. S_OK Success. VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN Requested action is not supported on this domain (DVD_DOMAIN). IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentLocationRetrieves the current playback location.
HRESULT GetCurrentLocation(
DVD_PLAYBACK_LOCATION *pLocation );Parameters
- pLocation
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved playback location information in a DVD_PLAYBACK_LOCATION structure.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
The default implementation of this method returns E_UNEXPECTED if the current domain is not DVD_DOMAIN_Title.
This method retrieves information sufficient to restart playback of a video from the current playback location in titles that don't explicitly disable seeking to the current location.
This method returns an error unless the domain is DVD_DOMAIN_Title.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentSubpictureRetrieves the number of available subpicture streams, the currently selected subpicture stream number, and whether the subpicture display is disabled.
HRESULT GetCurrentSubpicture(
ULONG *pnStreamsAvailable,
ULONG *pnCurrentStream,
BOOL *pIsDisabled );Parameters
- pnStreamsAvailable
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved number of available subpicture streams.
- pnCurrentStream
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved number of the currently selected subpicture stream.
- pIsDisabled
- [out] Pointer to a value indicating whether the subpicture display is disabled.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
Subpicture streams authored as forcedly activated streams will be displayed even if the application has disabled subpicture display with the IDvdControl::SubpictureStreamChange method.
This method returns an error unless the domain is DVD_DOMAIN_Title.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentSubpictureAttributesRetrieves the attributes for the current subpicture stream in the current title or menu.
HRESULT GetCurrentSubpictureAttributes(
DVD_SubpictureATR *pATR );Parameters
- pATR
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved subpicture attributes.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
See the DVD-Video specification for information about DVD_SubpictureATR.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentUOPSRetrieves which IDvdControl methods are currently valid.
- pUOP
- [out] Pointer to a DWORD containing the retrieved valid user operations (UOP).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
This method is useful because DVD titles can enable or disable individual user operations at almost any point during playback.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentVideoAttributesRetrieves the current video attributes for the current title or menu.
HRESULT GetCurrentVideoAttributes(
DVD_VideoATR *pATR );Parameters
- pATR
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved video attributes.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
See the DVD-Video specification for information about DVD_VideoATR.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetCurrentVolumeInfoRetrieves the current DVD volume information.
HRESULT GetCurrentVolumeInfo(
ULONG *pNumOfVol,
ULONG *pThisVolNum,
ULONG *pNumOfTitles );Parameters
- pNumOfVol
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved number of volumes in the volume set.
- pThisVolNum
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved volume number for this root directory.
- pSide
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved current disc side (DVD_DISC_SIDE).
- pNumOfTitles
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved number of titles available in this volume.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetDVDTextInfoRetrieves the TXTDT_MG structure, which can contain text descriptions for title name, volume name, producer name, vocalist name, and so on, in various languages.
BYTE *pTextManager,
ULONG cbBufSize,
ULONG *pcbActualSize );Parameters
- pTextManager
- [out, size_is(cbBufSize)] Pointer to the retrieved text manager.
- cbBufSize
- [in] Size of the buffer for pTextManager, in bytes.
- pcbActualSize
- [out] Pointer to a value containing the number of bytes of data returned.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
If the supplied buffer size in cbBufSize is too small for the data, (for example if cbBufSize equals zero), then this method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY and sets the value pointed to by pcbActualSize to the required size.
Refer to Section 4.1.6 and Annex A of the DVD-Video specification for more information.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetNumberOfChaptersRetrieves the number of chapters that are defined for a given title.
HRESULT GetNumberOfChapters(
ULONG ulTitle,
ULONG *pNumberOfChapters
- ulTitle
- [in] Title for which to retrieve the number of chapters.
- pNumberOfChapters
- [out] Retrieved number of chapters for the specified title.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetPlayerParentalLevelRetrieves the current parental level and country code settings for the DVD player.
HRESULT GetPlayerParentalLevel(
ULONG *pParentalLevel,
ULONG *pCountryCode
- pParentalLevel
- [out] Pointer to a value indicating the current parental level.
- pCountryCode
- [out] Pointer to a value indicating the current country code.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
See Table 3.3.4-1 of the DVD-Video specification for the defined parental levels.
See ISO3166 : Alpha-2 Code for the country codes.
Valid Parental Levels are 1 through 8 if parental management is enabled, 0xffffffff if parental management is disabled.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetRootRetrieves the root directory that is set in the player.
ULONG cbBufSize,
ULONG *pcbActualSize
- pRoot
- [out, size_is(cbBufSize)] Pointer to the buffer to receive the root string.
- cbBufSize
- [in] Size of buffer passed in, in bytes.
- pcbActualSize
- [out] Pointer to a value containing the size of the actual data returned.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
If a valid root was found, this method returns the root string. Otherwise, it returns zero for pcbActualSize, indicating that a valid root directory has not been found or initialized.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetSubpictureLanguageRetrieves the language of the specified subpicture stream within the current title.
HRESULT GetSubpictureLanguage(
ULONG nStream,
LCID *pLanguage );Parameters
- nStream
- [in] Stream number.
- pLanguage
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved language.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
This method does not return languages for menus. This method sets the value pointed to by pLanguage to zero if the stream does not include language. Call the Win32 GetLocaleInfo API as follows to create a human-readable string name from pLanguage.
GetLocaleInfo(*pLanguage, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, pszString, cbSize);This method returns an error unless the domain is DVD_DOMAIN_Title.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetTitleAttributesRetrieves attributes of all video, audio, and subpicture streams for the specified title, including menus.
HRESULT GetTitleAttributes(
ULONG nTitle,
DVD_ATR *pATR );Parameters
- nTitle
- [in] Requested title number. Specify 0xFFFFFFFF for the current title.
- pATR
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved attributes structure (DVD_ATR).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetTitleParentalLevelsRetrieves the parental levels that are defined for a particular title.
HRESULT GetTitleParentalLevels(
ULONG ulTitle,
ULONG *pParentalLevels
- ulTitle
- [in] Title for which parental levels are requested.
- pParentalLevels
- [out] Logical OR combination of the parental levels defined for the title. Valid parental levels are DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_8, DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_6, and DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_1.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetTotalTitleTimeRetrieves the total playback time for the current title.
HRESULT GetTotalTitleTime(
ULONG *pTotalTime );Parameters
- pTotalTime
- [out] Pointer to the total time in DVD_TIMECODE format, which includes hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
The method is restricted to simple linear movies by design.
IDvdInfo Interface
IDvdInfo::GetVMGAttributesRetrieves attributes of all video, audio, and subpicture streams for video manager (VMG) menus.
HRESULT GetVMGAttributes(
DVD_ATR *pATR );Parameters
- pATR
- [out] Pointer to the retrieved attributes structure (DVD_ATR).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. See IDvdInfo::GetCurrentDomain for a list of typical return values for the methods exposed by this interface.
The video manager contains a separate group of streams, such as the DVD_MENU_Title menus and are not associated with any particular title number.
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