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CBaseControlWindow Class
The CBaseControlWindow class implements the IVideoWindow interface and controls external access to its associated filter. You must synchronize the CBaseControlWindow object with the filter by passing it a pointer to a critical section synchronization object. For more information about critical section synchronization objects, see the Platform SDK. The CBaseControlWindow class provides a number of methods that return property settings without dealing with this critical section. For example, calling CBaseControlWindow::get_AutoShow to retrieve the value of the m_bAutoShow data member locks the critical section. The filter might already have a locked internal critical section, however, which could violate the filter's lock hierarchy. Instead, calling the CBaseControlWindow::IsAutoShowEnabled member function returns the required value without affecting the critical section.
All CBaseControlWindow implemented IVideoWindow methods require that the filter be connected correctly with its upstream filter. For this reason, class objects require a synchronization pin, which you set by calling the CBaseControlWindow::SetControlWindowPin method. Whenever you call an IVideoWindow method, the CBaseControlWindow object checks that the pin is still connected.
Protected Data Members
Name Description m_bAutoShow Result when the state changes. m_bCursorHidden Determination of whether the cursor is displayed or hidden. m_BorderColour Color of the current window border. m_hwndDrain Window handle to which messages received are posted. m_hwndOwner Owning window. m_pFilter Pointer to the owning media filter. m_pInterfaceLock Externally defined critical section. m_pPin Control of the media types for connection. Member Functions
Name Description CBaseControlWindow Constructs a CBaseControlWindow object. DoGetWindowStyle Retrieves either the typical or extended window styles. DoSetWindowStyle Sets the typical or extended window styles. GetBorderColour Retrieves the current border color. This is a helper member function. GetOwnerWindow Retrieves the owning window. This is a helper member function. IsAutoShowEnabled Retrieves information about whether the video window automatically appears when the rendering filter pauses or runs. IsCursorHidden Retrieves the current state of the m_bCursorHidden data member without locking the critical section. This is a helper member function. PossiblyEatMessage Distributes messages to the parent window. SetControlWindowPin Notifies the object of the pin to which it applies. Implemented IVideoWindow Methods
Name Description get_AutoShow Retrieves the current AutoShow flag setting. get_BackgroundPalette Retrieves the realized palette in the background flag. get_BorderColor Retrieves the current border color. get_Caption Retrieves the current window caption. get_FullScreenMode Retrieves the current full-screen mode. get_Height Retrieves the current window height. get_Left Retrieves the current left window coordinate. GetMaxIdealImageSize Retrieves the maximum size of the ideal image. get_MessageDrain Returns the current message drain. GetMinIdealImageSize Retrieves the minimum size of the ideal image. get_Owner Retrieves the Microsoft® Win32® parent window handle. GetRestorePosition Retrieves the position to which the window will be restored when maximized or minimized. get_Top Retrieves the y-coordinate for the top of the window. get_Visible Retrieves the current visibility setting of the window. get_Width Retrieves the width of the window. GetWindowPosition Retrieves the current window coordinates. get_WindowState Retrieves the current state of the window. get_WindowStyle Retrieves the standard window styles. get_WindowStyleEx Retrieves the extended window styles. HideCursor Hides or displays the cursor. IsCursorHidden Retrieves the current state of the m_bCursorHidden data member. NotifyOwnerMessage Passes on messages that are sent to owning windows. put_AutoShow Sets the AutoShow property. put_BackgroundPalette Sets a flag to realize the palette in the background. put_BorderColor Sets the current border color. put_Caption Sets the current window caption. put_FullScreenMode Sets the full-screen mode. put_Height Sets the current window height. put_Left Sets the left coordinate for the window. put_MessageDrain Sets the message drain window. put_Owner Sets the Microsoft Win32 parent window handle. put_Top Sets the position for the top of the window. put_Visible Hides or shows the window. put_Width Sets the width of the window. put_WindowState Sets the state of the window. put_WindowStyle Sets the standard window styles. put_WindowStyleEx Sets the extended window styles. SetWindowForeground Sets the window in the foreground. SetWindowPosition Sets the window position. CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::CBaseControlWindowConstructs a CBaseControlWindow object.
CBaseMediaFilter *pFilter,
CCritSec *pInterfaceLock,
TCHAR *pName,
- pFilter
- Owning media filter object.
- pInterfaceLock
- Critical section to use for locking.
- pName
- Object description.
- pUnk
- Typical Component Object Model (COM) ownership.
- phr
- COM return value.
Return Values
No return value.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::DoGetWindowStyleRetrieves the current normal or extended window styles.
HRESULT DoGetWindowStyle(
long *pStyle,
long WindowLong
- pStyle
- Contains the appropriate styles.
- WindowLong
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function calls the Win32 GetWindowLong function to retrieve the window style. It is called by the CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowStyle and CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowStyleEx member functions.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::DoSetWindowStyleChanges the typical or extended window styles.
HRESULT DoSetWindowStyle(
long Style,
long WindowLong
- Style
- Contains the appropriate window styles.
- WindowLong
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function calls the Win32 SetWindowLong function to set the window style, and then redisplays the window in the current position. This member function is called by the CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowStyle and CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowStyleEx member functions.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_AutoShowRetrieves the current AutoShow state flag.
HRESULT get_AutoShow(
long *AutoShow
- AutoShow
- Automation Boolean flag (0 is off, 1 is on).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IVideoWindow::get_AutoShow method. This property simplifies window display access for applications. If this is set to 1 (on), the window, which is typically hidden after connection of the filter, will be displayed automatically when the filter pauses or runs. The window should not be hidden when the filter stops, however. If this parameter is set to 0 (off), the window is made visible only when the application calls CBaseControlWindow::put_Visible or CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowState with the appropriate parameters.
This member function is meant to be called by external objects through the IVideoWindow interface, and therefore locks the critical section to synchronize with the associated filter. Call the CBaseControlWindow::IsAutoShowEnabled member function to retrieve this property if you are not calling from an external object.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_BackgroundPaletteRetrieves the realized palette in the background flag.
HRESULT get_BackgroundPalette(
long *pBackgroundPalette
- pBackgroundPalette
- Automation Boolean flag (0 is off, 1 is on).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IVideoWindow::get_BackgroundPalette method. If a video will be played within another application or document, the application might want to use its own palette. It can ask that the video use the current foreground palette rather than its own by setting this flag to 1. If this is set to 0, the window will install and realize its own preferred palette. Note that asking the window to use a different palette will cause severe performance penalties.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_BorderColorRetrieves the current border color.
HRESULT get_BorderColor(
long *Color
- Color
- Current border color.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
An application can set a destination rectangle in which the video should be displayed. This rectangle is relative to the client area for the window. If this is done (the default is to always paint the entire window), there is a border surrounding the video. This property affects the color used by the border. Although the parameter is specified as a LONG type, it is actually a COLORREF value.
This member function is meant to be called by external objects through the IVideoWindow interface, and therefore locks the critical section to synchronize with the associated filter. Call the CBaseControlWindow::GetBorderColour member function to retrieve this property if not calling from an external object.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::GetBorderColourReturns the current window border color, m_BorderColour.
COLORREF GetBorderColour( );
Return Values
Returns the color of the border.
An application can set a destination rectangle to display the video. This rectangle should be relative to the client area for the window. If this is done (the default is to always paint the entire window), there is an area that surrounds the video; that is, the border. The border color can be set through the CBaseControlWindow::put_BorderColor member function. This property affects the color of the border. Use this member function instead of CBaseControlWindow::get_BorderColor, unless you are calling this externally through the IVideoWindow::get_BorderColor method.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_CaptionRetrieves the current window caption.
HRESULT get_Caption(
BSTR *pstrCaption
- pstrCaption
- Current window caption.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Most top-level windows on a Windows-based desktop have a title (caption) associated with them. This property can be queried and set through the IVideoWindow interface. Any caption set will be visible only if the window has the WS_CAPTION style applied. If it does not, the caption can still be set (and retrieved), although it will not be visible to the user.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_FullScreenModeRetrieves the current full-screen mode.
HRESULT get_FullScreenMode(
long *FullScreenMode
- FullScreenMode
- Current full-screen mode.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function returns E_NOTIMPL by default. This informs the IVideoWindow plug-in distributor that this renderer does not implement a full-screen renderer.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_HeightRetrieves the current window height.
HRESULT get_Height(
long *pHeight
- pHeight
- Current window height, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels, and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left or up, respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height does not affect the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_LeftRetrieves the current left window coordinate.
HRESULT get_Left(
long *pLeft
- pLeft
- Contains the left coordinate, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This position is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels, and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left and up, respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height have no effect on the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::GetMaxIdealImageSizeRetrieves the maximum ideal image size.
HRESULT GetMaxIdealImageSize(
long *pWidth,
long *pHeight
- pWidth
- Maximum ideal width, in pixels.
- pHeight
- Maximum ideal height, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Various renderers have performance restrictions on the size of images they can display. Although they should still function properly when requested to display images larger than the specified maximum, renderers can nominate the minimum and maximum ideal sizes through the IVideoWindow interface. This interface can be called only when the filter graph is paused or running, because it is not until then that resources are allocated and the renderer can recognize its restrictions. If no restrictions exist, the renderer fills in the pWidth and pHeight parameters with the native video dimensions and returns S_FALSE. If restrictions do exist, the restricted width and height are entered, and the member function returns S_OK.
The dimensions apply to the size of the destination video and not to the overall window size. So, when calculating the size of the window to set, account for the current window styles (for example, WS_CAPTION and WS_BORDER).
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_MessageDrainReturns the current message drain.
HRESULT get_MessageDrain(
- Drain
- Current window receiving window messages.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Messages sent to the video renderer filter can be posted to another window. The window registered to receive these messages (using the CBaseControlWindow::get_MessageDrain member function) is the current message drain.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::GetMinIdealImageSizeRetrieves the minimum ideal image size.
HRESULT GetMinIdealImageSize(
long *pWidth,
long *pHeight
- pWidth
- Minimum ideal width, in pixels.
- pHeight
- Minimum ideal height, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Various renderers have performance restrictions on the size of images they can display. Although they should still function properly when requested to display images larger than the specified maximum, renderers can nominate the minimum and maximum ideal sizes through the IVideoWindow interface. This interface can be called only when the filter graph is paused or running, because it is not until then that resources are allocated and the renderer can recognize its restrictions. If no restrictions exist, the renderer fills in the pWidth and pHeight parameters with the native video dimensions and returns S_FALSE. If restrictions do exist, the restricted width and height are entered, and the member function returns S_OK.
The dimensions apply to the size of the destination video and not to the overall window size. So, when calculating the size of the window to set, account for the current window styles (for example, WS_CAPTION and WS_BORDER).
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_OwnerRetrieves the current window owner.
HRESULT get_Owner(
- Owner
- Contains the window owner.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The video window can play back within a document environment. To do this, the window must be made a child of another window (so that it is clipped and moved appropriately). This property allows the owner of the window to be set and retrieved. When the window is owned by another window, it simply calls the Microsoft Win32 SetParent function. An application calling this function will change the window styles to set the WS_CHILD bit on.
When the window is owned by another window, it will automatically forward certain sets of messages (in particular, mouse and keyboard messages). This allows an application to do simple hot-spot editing and other interactions.
This member function is meant to be called by external objects through the IVideoWindow interface, and therefore locks the critical section to synchronize with the associated filter. Call the CBaseControlWindow::GetOwnerWindow member function to retrieve this property if not calling from an external object.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::GetOwnerWindowReturns the owning window handle, m_hwndOwner.
HWND GetOwnerWindow( );
Return Values
Returns an internal method to return the owner window.
Retrieves the owning window without calling the interface method. Use this member function instead of CBaseControlWindow::get_Owner, unless you are calling this externally through the IVideoWindow::get_Owner method.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::GetRestorePositionRetrieves the position to which the window will be restored when it is not maximized or minimized.
HRESULT GetRestorePosition(
long *pLeft,
long *pTop,
long *pWidth,
long *pHeight
- pLeft
- Value for leftmost coordinate.
- pTop
- Value for top of the window.
- pWidth
- Value for width of the window.
- pHeight
- Value for height of window.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This is the same as the values returned by the CBaseControlWindow::GetWindowPosition function when the window is neither maximized nor minimized.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_TopRetrieves the top window coordinate.
HRESULT get_Top(
long *pTop
- pTop
- Contains the top coordinate, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels, and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left or up, respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height does not affect the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_VisibleRetrieves the current window visibility.
HRESULT get_Visible(
long *pVisible
- pVisible
- Automation Boolean flag (0 is off, 1 is on).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function returns 1 if the window has the WS_VISIBLE style; 0 otherwise.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_WidthRetrieves the current window width.
HRESULT get_Width(
long *pWidth
- pWidth
- Contains the window width, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels, and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left or up, respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height does not affect the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::GetWindowPositionRetrieves the current coordinates for the window.
HRESULT GetWindowPosition(
long *pLeft,
long *pTop,
long *pWidth,
long *pHeight
- pLeft
- Contains the left coordinate, in screen coordinates.
- pTop
- Contains the top coordinate, in screen coordinates.
- pWidth
- Contains the window width, in screen coordinates.
- pHeight
- Contains the window height, in screen coordinates.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowStateRetrieves the current window state.
HRESULT get_WindowState(
long *pWindowState
- pWindowState
- Contains the window state.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function returns a subset of the parameters of the Microsoft Win32 ShowWindow function. In particular, it returns SW_SHOW and SW_HIDE, depending on the current visibility of the window. It also returns SW_MINIMIZE and SW_MAXIMIZE, depending on whether the window is an icon or is expanded.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowStyleRetrieves the standard window styles.
HRESULT get_WindowStyle(
long *pWindowStyle
- pWindowStyle
- Contains the window styles.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function returns the standard window styles, such as WS_CHILD and WS_VISIBLE. It calls the CBaseControlWindow::DoGetWindowStyle member function.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::get_WindowStyleExRetrieves the extended window styles.
HRESULT get_WindowStyleEx(
long *pWindowStyleEx
- pWindowStyleEx
- Contains the extended window styles.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function retrieves the extended window styles. It calls the CBaseControlWindow::DoGetWindowStyle member function.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::HideCursorHides or displays the cursor.
HRESULT HideCursor(
long HideCursor
- HideCursor
- Set to OATRUE to hide the cursor, or OAFALSE to display the cursor.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::IsCursorHiddenRetrieves the current state of the m_bCursorHidden data member.
HRESULT IsCursorHidden(
long *CursorHidden
);BOOL IsCursorHidden( );
- CursorHidden
- Value of m_bCursorHidden.
Return Values
When called without a parameter, returns OATRUE if the cursor is hidden, or OAFALSE if the cursor is visible.
When called with a parameter, returns an HRESULT value.
Internal objects should call this member function without the CursorHidden parameter to avoid locking the critical section. External objects access this member function with the CursorHidden parameter through the IVideoWindow::IsCursorHidden method.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::IsAutoShowEnabledRetrieves information about whether the video window automatically appears when the rendering filter pauses or runs.
BOOL IsAutoShowEnabled( );
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the m_bAutoShow member is set to 1 or FALSE if it is set to 0.
If the m_bAutoShow member is set to 1 on a video window that is hidden, the window becomes visible when the filter pauses or runs. If this member is set to 0, the window will appear only if you use the CBaseControlWindow::put_Visible or CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowState member function with the appropriate parameters.
This member function retrieves the m_bAutoShow member setting and has the same result as using the IVideoWindow::get_AutoShow method.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::NotifyOwnerMessagePasses along specific messages to the video window.
HRESULT NotifyOwnerMessage(
long hwnd,
long uMsg,
long wParam,
long lParam
- hwnd
- Handle to the video window.
- uMsg
- Message details.
- wParam
- Standard WPARAM parameter.
- lParam
- Standard LPARAM parameter.
Return Values
Returns NO_ERROR.
When the video window is a child of another window, it does not receive certain top-level window messages. These messages can be valuable to a renderer, because they could affect its behavior. NotifyOwnerMessage passes any of the following messages to the video window.
WM_ACTIVATEAPP WM_DEVMODECHANGE WM_DISPLAYCHANGE WM_PALETTECHANGED WM_PALETTEISCHANGING WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE You can request that the IVideoWindow plug-in distributor (PID) make a window become a child of another window. When this occurs, the PID will look for certain messages that might be sent to the owning window. The PID will then forward those messages to the owned window. The default processing for the messages is to send them to the owned window procedure synchronously by calling the Win32 SendMessage function.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::PossiblyEatMessageForwards keyboard and mouse messages to a specified window.
BOOL WINAPI PossiblyEatMessage(
HWND hwndDrain,
UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,
- hwndDrain
- Handle of the window to which messages will be forwarded.
- uMsg
- Message that was forwarded.
- wParam
- First message parameter.
- lParam
- Second message parameter.
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the message was posted or FALSE if it wasn't.
When the window is owned, it will pass certain classes of messages to the owning window (such as keyboard and mouse events). In this case, the Win32 PostMessage function is used to post messages to any window specified by hwndDrain which is set in CBaseControlWindow::put_MessageDrain. If a certain message cannot be posted, this message will return FALSE.
The following is a list of messages that will get passed on untranslated and return TRUE.
CBaseControlWindow::put_AutoShowSets the AutoShow state flag.
HRESULT put_AutoShow(
long AutoShow
- AutoShow
- Automation Boolean flag (0 is off, 1 is on).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This property simplifies window display access for applications. If this is set to 1 (on), the window, which is typically hidden after the filter is connected, will be displayed automatically when the filter pauses or runs. The window should not be hidden when the filter stops, however. If this is set to 0 (off), the window is made visible only when the application calls CBaseControlWindow::put_Visible or CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowState with the appropriate parameters.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_BackgroundPaletteSets a flag to realize the palette in the background.
HRESULT put_BackgroundPalette(
long BackgroundPalette
- BackgroundPalette
- Automation Boolean flag (0 is off, 1 is on).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
To play a video within another application or document, the application might want to use its own palette. It can ask that the video use the current foreground palette rather than its own as the background palette by setting this flag to 1. If this is set to 0, the window will install and realize its own preferred palette. Asking the window to use a different palette will cause severe performance penalties.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_BorderColorChanges the border color.
HRESULT put_BorderColor(
long Color
- Color
- Contains the new border color.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
An application can establish a destination rectangle in which the video should be displayed. This rectangle is relative to the client area for the window. If this is done (the default is to always paint the entire window), there is a border surrounding the video. This property affects the color used by the border. Although the parameter is specified as a LONG type, it is actually a COLORREF value.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_CaptionSets the window title or caption.
HRESULT put_Caption(
BSTR strCaption
- strCaption
- Contains the new window caption.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Most top-level windows on a Windows-based desktop have a title (caption) associated with them. This property can be queried and set through the IVideoWindow interface. Any caption set will be visible only if the window has the WS_CAPTION style applied. If it does not, the caption can still be set (and retrieved), although it will not be visible to the user.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_FullScreenModeSets the full-screen mode of the renderer.
HRESULT put_FullScreenMode(
long FullScreenMode
- FullScreenMode
- Full-screen mode to apply.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The current implementation returns E_NOTIMPL. A video renderer that implements a full-screen mode should override this member function and implement whatever modes it supports.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_HeightSets the window height.
HRESULT put_Height(
long Height
- Height
- New window height, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels, and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left or up, respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height does not affect the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_LeftSets the left coordinate for the window.
HRESULT put_Left(
long Left
- Left
- New left coordinate, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels, and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left or up, respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height does not affect the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_MessageDrainSets the window to receive window messages sent to the video renderer.
HRESULT put_MessageDrain(
- Drain
- Window to post messages to.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Messages sent to the video renderer filter can be posted to another window. This member function registers the window to receive these messages. Unlike the CBaseControlWindow::put_Owner member function, this member function does not make the video window a child of another window. It is particularly useful for full-screen video renderers, which cannot be child windows.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_OwnerSets the video window's parent window; the parent window then forwards certain messages to the video window.
HRESULT put_Owner(
- Owner
- Handle to the parent window.
Return Values
Returns NOERROR.
Internally, this method calls the Microsoft Win32 SetParent function to set the new owner and sets the parent window's style to WS_CHILD. The parent window will then forward certain sets of messages (in particular, mouse and keyboard messages) to the video window.
After you set the video window's owner, you must set the owner to NULL and the owner's window style to WS_OVERLAPPED and WS_CLIPCHILDREN before releasing the filter graph. When you set the owner to NULL, this method turns off the parent window's WS_CHILD bit. If you don't set the owner to NULL, the parent window will continue to pass messages to the video window and errors will likely occur when the application closes.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_TopSets the top window coordinate.
HRESULT put_Top(
long Top
- Top
- New top coordinate, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels, and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left or up, respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height does not affect the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_VisibleMakes the window either visible or hidden.
HRESULT put_Visible(
long Visible
- Visible
- Automation Boolean flag (0 means window is hidden, 1 means window is shown).
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_WidthSets the window width.
HRESULT put_Width(
long Width
- Width
- New window width, in pixels.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
The window has a position on the desktop. This is expressed in pixels by four coordinates (left, top, right, and bottom). Interfaces that are automated by OLE typically express this position through left, top, width, and height; this is the convention used in DirectShow. All coordinates are expressed in pixels and changing any coordinate will update the window immediately.
Setting the left or top coordinates moves the window left or up respectively; these coordinates have no effect on the width and height of the window. Likewise, setting the width and height does not affect the left and top coordinates.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowStateSets the window state.
HRESULT put_WindowState(
long WindowState
- WindowState
- New window state.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function takes the same parameters as the Microsoft Win32 ShowWindow function (for example, WS_SHOWNORMAL, WS_SHOWMINNOACTIVATE, and WS_SHOWMAXIMIZED).
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowStyleSets the standard Windows-based styles.
HRESULT put_WindowStyle(
long WindowStyle
- WindowStyle
- New window styles.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
Take care when changing the window styles. In most cases, an application should retrieve the current style and then add or remove the inappropriate bits. This procedure allows various internal window styles used by Windows® to remain intact.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::put_WindowStyleExSets the style of the control window.
HRESULT put_WindowStyleEx(
long WindowStyleEx
- WindowStyleEx
- [in] Value that specifies the style of the control window.
Return Values
Returns NOERROR.
This method uses EX (extended) window styles. For a complete list of extended window styles, see the Microsoft Win32 CreateWindowEx function. To change the window style, retrieve the current window style, and then add or remove the necessary bit fields.
Note: Do not use the following window styles because they are not validated.
WS_DISABLED WS_HSCROLL WS_ICONIC WS_MAXIMIZE WS_MINIMIZE WS_VSCROLL With some exceptions (noted here), the acceptable flags are the same as those allowed by the Win32 CreateWindow function.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::SetControlWindowPinSets the pin with which to synchronize.
void SetControlWindowPin(
CBasePin *pPin
- pPin
- Pin with which the interface is synchronized.
Return Values
No return value.
This member function sets the m_pPin variable equal to the pPin parameter. As described in the constructor, the interface can be called only when the filter has been connected successfully. The object is passed in through this member function to the pin with which it should synchronize; in most cases, it will determine if the pin is connected whenever it has an interface method called and will return VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED if it fails.
CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::SetWindowForegroundMoves the video window to the foreground and optionally gives it focus.
HRESULT SetWindowForeground(
long Focus
- Focus
- Long value that specifies whether the video window will get focus. A value of 1 gives the window focus and 0 does not.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning NOERROR The method succeeded. E_INVALIDARG Focus doesn't equal 1 or 0. VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The current filter isn't connected to a complete filter graph. CBaseControlWindow Class
CBaseControlWindow::SetWindowPositionSets the window position on the desktop.
HRESULT SetWindowPosition(
long Left,
long Top,
long Width,
long Height
- Left
- New left coordinate.
- Top
- New top coordinate.
- Width
- Width of the window.
- Height
- Height of the window.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
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