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CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin is an abstract base class derived from CBasePin that adds support for IMemInputPin in addition to the IPin interface support provided by CBasePin. Its IMemInputPin::GetAllocator method returns a CMemAllocator object. Derive your input pin from this class.
All member functions in this class that return HRESULT and accept a pointer as a parameter return E_POINTER when passed a null pointer.
Protected Data Members
Name Description m_bFlushing In the state of flushing; if TRUE, all IMemInputPin::Receive methods are returned with S_FALSE. m_bReadOnly If TRUE, indicates that the allocator being used contains samples that are read-only. m_pAllocator Pointer to the default memory allocator. Member Functions
Name Description CBaseInputPin Constructs a CBaseInputPin object. IsReadOnly Checks the m_bReadOnly data member and returns its value. IsFlushing Checks the m_bFlushing data member and returns its value. PassNotify Passes a quality-control notification to the appropriate sink. Overridable Member Functions
Name Description CheckStreaming Verifies conditions for continuing with a streaming operation. Inactive Switches the pin to an inactive state. Implemented IPin Methods
Name Description BeginFlush Informs the pin to begin a flush operation. Disconnect Releases the stored allocator. EndFlush Informs the pin to end a flush operation. Implemented IMemInputPin Methods
Name Description GetAllocator Returns the allocator interface that this input pin would like the output pin to use. GetAllocatorRequirements Indicates an optional method to use if the filter has specific alignment or prefix requirements but could use an upstream allocator. NotifyAllocator Tells the input pin which allocator the output pin is actually going to use. Receive Returns the next block of data from the stream. (Override this method to process a sample being passed in.) ReceiveCanBlock Determines if sending an IMemInputPin::Receive method might block. ReceiveMultiple Returns the next block of data from the stream. (Override this method to process samples being passed in.) Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
Name Description NonDelegatingQueryInterface Retrieves an interface from the subobject, not the aggregated object. Implemented IQualityControl Methods
Name Description Notify Notifies the recipient that a quality-control change is requested. (Override on the output pin only. This implementation returns NOERROR.) CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::BeginFlushInforms the pin to begin a flush operation.
HRESULT BeginFlush(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IPin::BeginFlush method. When this method is called, the pin is entering flush state. You must override this method in your derived class, but you should call this base class first in your implementation, because it sets m_bFlushing so that no more IMemInputPin::Receive calls will succeed.
The overriding member function should then carry out the following steps.
- Discard any queued data.
- Free any pin blocked by the Receive method.
- Pass the IPin::BeginFlush method to any downstream pins.
IPin::BeginFlush is not logically part of the media stream and can be optimized in the sense that if a pin has passed no data downstream before this method is called, there is no need to pass this notification on.
An example of an overriding implementation of this member function can be found in the CTransformInputPin::BeginFlush member function, which uses the CBaseOutputPin::DeliverBeginFlush member function to perform the last step.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::CBaseInputPinConstructs a CBaseInputPin object.
TCHAR *pObjectName,
CBaseFilter *pFilter,
CCritSec *pLock,
- pObjectName
- Name of the class object.
- pFilter
- Pointer to the filter that owns this pin.
- pLock
- Pointer to the CCritSec critical section object used to lock the pin.
- phr
- Pointer to the general COM return value. This value is changed only if this function fails.
- pPinName
- Name of the pin.
Return Values
No return value.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::CheckStreamingVerifies conditions for continuing with a streaming operation.
virtual HRESULT CheckStreaming( );
Return Values
Returns one of the following HRESULT values, depending on the state.
Value Meaning S_FALSE Currently in flushing state. S_OK Receive or EndOfStream operations can safely proceed. VFW_E_RUNTIME_ERROR Run-time error occurred while processing a previous sample. VFW_E_WRONG_STATE Filter is in the State_Stopped state. Remarks
Conditions checked in this member function include whether the filter is connected, if it is in an active state, if it is not currently flushing data, and if it has not just issued a run-time error. If all these conditions pass, it returns S_OK.
You can override this member function to add restrictions defined by your derived class. The overriding member function should call this base class implementation to check for conditions here as well.
This function member should be called from any override of the CBaseInputPin::Receive or CBasePin::EndOfStream member function (or they should do some equivalent check).
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::DisconnectReleases the stored allocator.
HRESULT Disconnect( );
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function overrides the CBasePin::Disconnect member function. It calls CBasePin::Disconnect first, and then releases the allocator held by m_pAllocator.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::EndFlushInforms the pin to end a flush operation and notifies the pin that it can start accepting data again.
HRESULT EndFlush(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IPin::EndFlush method. When this method is called, the pin is beginning to end a flush operation. Your derived class must override this member function, but should call this member function at the end of your implementation to clear m_bFlushing so that IMemInputPin::Receive calls will succeed.
Before calling this base class implementation, your overriding member function should perform the following steps.
- Ensure that your filter will not push any additional data. (To do this, synchronize with a thread, stop it pushing, and discard any queued data.)
- Pass the EndFlush method downstream by calling the method on the downstream filter's input pin.
IPin::EndFlush is not logically part of the media stream. It can be optimized in the sense that if a pin has passed no data downstream before this method is called, there is no need to pass this notification on.
An example of an overriding implementation of this member function can be found in the CTransformInputPin::EndFlush member function, which uses the CBaseOutputPin::DeliverEndFlush member function to perform the last step.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::GetAllocatorRetrieves the allocator interface that this input pin identifies as the interface for the output pin to use.
HRESULT GetAllocator(
IMemAllocator ** ppAllocator
- ppAllocator
- Pointer to an obtained IMemAllocator object.
Return Values
Default implementation returns either E_OUTOFMEMORY, if an allocator cannot be created, or NOERROR upon success.
This member function implements the IMemInputPin::GetAllocator method, which is called by the connected output pin to retrieve an allocator to use for transporting media samples. By default, this member function creates a CMemAllocator object and obtains the IMemAllocator interface, to which it adds a reference count for the pin when assigning it to the m_pAllocator data member, and adds another reference count before passing it back to the output pin.
Override this member function if your filter has another allocator, such as one from a downstream pin, or a specialized allocator to offer the connected output pin.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::GetAllocatorRequirementsOptional member function to use if the filter has specific alignment or prefix requirements but could use an upstream allocator.
HRESULT GetAllocatorRequirements(
- pProps
- ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES structure containing the required size, count, and alignment of the allocator.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value. Returns E_NOTIMPL by default.
Override this member function if you have specific alignment or prefix requirements but could use an upstream allocator.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::InactiveReleases the allocator's memory.
HRESULT Inactive(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function is called through IMediaFilter, which is responsible for locking the object first.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::IsFlushingChecks the m_bFlushing data member and returns its value.
BOOL IsFlushing(void);
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the input pin is flushing data; otherwise, returns FALSE.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::IsReadOnlyChecks the m_bReadOnly data member and returns its value.
BOOL IsReadOnly(void);
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the allocator has read-only samples; otherwise, returns FALSE.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::NonDelegatingQueryInterfaceRetrieves an interface and increments the reference count.
HRESULT NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
void ** ppv
- riid
- Reference identifier.
- ppv
- Pointer to the interface.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if ppv is invalid. Returns NOERROR if the query is successful or E_NOINTERFACE if it is not.
This member function implements the INonDelegatingUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface method and passes out references to the IMemInputPin and IUnknown interfaces. Override this class to return other interfaces on the object in the derived class.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::NotifyNotifies the recipient that a quality change is requested.
IBaseFilter * pSelf,
Quality q
- pSelf
- Pointer to the filter that is sending the quality notification.
- q
- Quality notification structure.
Return Values
Returns NOERROR by default.
The IQualityControl::Notify method is usually implemented on the output pin, because quality-control messages are passed upstream, and not on the input pin.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::NotifyAllocatorNotifies the input pin as to which allocator the output pin is actually going to use.
HRESULT NotifyAllocator(
IMemAllocator * pAllocator,
BOOL bReadOnly
- pAllocator
- Pointer to the IMemAllocator object to use. This might or might not be the same IMemAllocator object that the input pin provided in the IMemInputPin::GetAllocator method (the output pin could provide its own allocator).
- bReadOnly
- Flag to indicate if the samples from this allocator are read-only.
Return Values
Default implementation returns NOERROR.
This member function implements the IMemInputPin::NotifyAllocator method, which is called by the connected output pin to inform the input pin of the chosen allocator for the memory transport. Override this member function if your filter cares about this information. By default, this sets the m_pAllocator data member to the allocator interface passed in after adding a reference count to that interface.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::PassNotifyPasses a quality-control notification to the appropriate sink.
HRESULT PassNotify(
Quality q
- q
- Quality-control notification object.
Return Values
Returns VFW_E_NOT_FOUND if no quality sink is set and the upstream filter does not support the IQualityControl interface. Otherwise, returns the HRESULT value resulting from notifying the sink or the upstream filter.
Output pins receive quality-control notifications and, if possible, filters act on them to degrade appropriately. Often, filters cannot respond to the notifications; in this case the notification should be passed to the quality-control sink or, by default, upstream to the next filter. The PassNotify member function is called from the CTransformOutputPin::Notify member function when a notification requires passing. The Quality structure passed is the one that the output pin received.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::ReceiveRetrieves the next block of data from the stream.
HRESULT Receive(
IMediaSample * pSample
- pSample
- Pointer to a media sample.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMemInputPin::Receive method. It first checks that it can process the sample by calling CBaseInputPin::CheckStreaming; if that member function does not return S_OK, Receive returns immediately with the value returned by CBaseInputPin::CheckStreaming.
This base class member function checks to see if the format has changed with this media sample; if so, it checks that the filter will accept it, generating a run-time error if not. If a run-time error is raised, the m_bRunTimeError data member is set so that no more samples will be accepted.
The overriding member function does something with the passed-in sample, such as calling a member function to transform it or pass it downstream.
This is a blocking synchronous call. Typically no blocking occurs, but if a filter cannot process the sample immediately, it can use the calling application's thread to wait until it can.
Call the IUnknown::AddRef method if you must hold the returned data block beyond the completion of the IMemInputPin::Receive method. If you call AddRef, be sure to call IUnknown::Release when done with it.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::ReceiveCanBlockDetermines if the implementation of the IMemInputPin::Receive method might block on the connected output pin.
HRESULT ReceiveCanBlock(void);
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value, which can include one of the following values.
Value Meaning S_FALSE Input pin will not block on a Receive method. S_OK Input pin might block on a Receive method. Remarks
This member function implements the IMemInputPin::ReceiveCanBlock method. The base class implementation calls the IMemInputPin::ReceiveCanBlock method on the input pin connected to each of the filter's output pins.
This member function is useful because an output pin from a filter might require notification if its thread might be blocked when it calls the Receive method on the connected input pin. For example, a source filter might prefer to keep reading and buffering data rather than be blocked, and might choose to start another thread to wait on the blocking Receive method. See the COutputQueue base class for queuing samples to input pins that potentially block.
CBaseInputPin Class
CBaseInputPin::ReceiveMultipleRetrieves the next block of data from the stream. This method behaves much like the IMemInputPin::Receive method, but it works with multiple samples. Override this function if you can usefully process samples in batches.
HRESULT ReceiveMultiple(
IMediaSample ** pSamples,
long nSamples,
long * nSamplesProcessed
- pSamples
- Pointer to an array of samples.
- nSamples
- Number of samples to process.
- nSamplesProcessed
- Number of samples processed.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMemInputPin::ReceiveMultiple method. It is implemented to call the CBaseInputPin::Receive member function in a loop for nSamples number of iterations.
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