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CMediaSample Class
This class represents a buffer object that supports the IMediaSample interface. It represents a buffer in memory, together with some associated properties stored as protected data members.
The constructor is passed as a pointer to the buffer with its length in bytes; other properties are normally set and accessed through implemented IMediaSample interface methods. These properties describe various attributes of the media sample, such as the sample's media type, start and end time, and options. The options can include whether the media sample is a sync point, a preroll sample, or discontinuous with other samples.
All member functions in this class that return HRESULT and accept a pointer as a parameter return E_POINTER when passed a null pointer.
Protected Data Members
Name Description m_cbBuffer Size of the buffer. m_dwFlags Sample property flags as follows: Sample_Discontinuity: Set if start of a new segment. Sample_MediaTimeValid: Set if the media time is valid. Sample_Preroll: Set if sample is a preroll sample. Sample_StopValid: Set if the stop time is valid. Sample_SyncPoint: Set if sample is a synchronization point. Sample_TimeValid: Set if the time is valid. Sample_TypeChanged: Set if the type has changed. m_End Sample end time. m_lActual Actual length of data in this sample. m_MediaEnd Media end (offset from m_MediaStart). m_MediaStart Media start position. m_pAllocator Pointer to the IMemAllocator object associated with this object. m_pBuffer Pointer to the complete buffer. m_pMediaType Pointer to a structure containing the media type of the sample. m_pNext Pointer to the next CMediaSample object in the free list. m_Start Sample start time. Member Functions
Name Description CMediaSample Constructs a CMediaSample object. SetPointer Sets the buffer pointer and length. Implemented IUnknown Methods
Name Description QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces. AddRef Increments the reference count. Release Decrements the reference count. Implemented IMediaSample Methods
Name Description GetActualDataLength Retrieves the data length of the sample. GetMediaTime Retrieves the media time extents of the sample. GetMediaType Retrieves the media type of the CMediaSample object. GetPointer Retrieves a read/write pointer to the memory of this buffer. GetSize Returns the size, in bytes, of the buffer data area. GetTime Sets the media time extents for this sample. IsDiscontinuity Determines if there is discontinuity in the data stream. IsPreroll Indicates a preroll property. If TRUE, this sample is for preroll only and should not be displayed. IsSyncPoint Determines if the beginning of a sample is a synchronization point. SetActualDataLength Sets the data length of the sample. SetDiscontinuity Sets the discontinuity property. SetMediaTime Sets the media time of the CMediaSample object. SetMediaType Sets the media type of the CMediaSample object. SetPreroll Sets preroll property. If TRUE, this sample is for preroll only and should not be displayed. SetSyncPoint Sets sync-point property. SetTime Sets the stream time at which this sample should start and finish. Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
Name Description NonDelegatingQueryInterface Passes out pointers to any interfaces added to the derived filter class. CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::AddRefIncrements the reference count for the calling interface on an object.
ULONG AddRef(void);
Return Values
Returns an integer from 1 to n, the value of the new reference count.
This member function implements the IUnknown::AddRef method.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::CMediaSampleConstructs a CMediaSample object.
TCHAR *pName,
CBaseAllocator *pAllocator,
LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL,
LONG length = 0
- pName
- Name of the media sample.
- pAllocator
- Pointer to the CBaseAllocator object used for memory allocation.
- phr
- Pointer to the general COM return value. Note that this value is changed only if this function fails.
- pBuffer
- Pointer to a memory buffer (to be allocated by the pAllocator parameter).
- length
- Length of the allocated memory buffer.
Return Values
No return value.
The constructor creates an object with the buffer and buffer length set to that of the CBaseAllocator object to which it points.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::GetActualDataLengthRetrieves the data length of the sample.
HRESULT GetActualDataLength(void);
Return Values
Returns the value of m_lActual by default.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::GetActualDataLength method.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::GetMediaTimeRetrieves the starting and ending media time.
HRESULT GetMediaTime(
LONGLONG * pStart,
- pStart
- Retrieved beginning media time.
- pEnd
- Retrieved ending media time.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::GetMediaTime method. It sets pStart to the current value of m_MediaStart and pEnd to the sum of m_MediaStart and m_MediaEnd. If the sample has not been set, this member function returns VFW_E_MEDIA_TIME_NOT_SET.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::GetMediaTypeRetrieves the media type of the CMediaSample object.
HRESULT GetMediaType(
AM_MEDIA_TYPE ** ppMediaType
- ppMediaType
- Pointer to a pointer to the retrieved media type.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value. When a sample is received and there is no format change, this method returns S_FALSE.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::GetMediaType method. The member function makes a copy of the AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure and creates a task memory block to maintain the reference. When you are done with the media type, free the memory block with the FreeMediaType utility function, and then free the entire media type with the Microsoft® Win32® CoTaskMemFree function.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::GetPointerRetrieves a read/write pointer to the buffer's memory.
HRESULT GetPointer(
BYTE ** ppBuffer
- ppBuffer
- Retrieved pointer to the buffer.
Return Values
Returns VFW_E_BUFFER_NOTSET if CMediaSample::SetPointer was not called before calling this function, or NOERROR otherwise.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::GetPointer method. GetPointer returns the value of m_pBuffer, set using CMediaSample::SetPointer.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::GetSizeRetrieves the size, in bytes, of the buffer data area.
HRESULT GetSize(void);
Return Values
Returns the value of m_cbBuffer by default.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::GetSize method.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::GetTimeRetrieves the stream time at which this sample should begin and finish.
- pTimeStart
- Retrieved beginning stream time.
- pTimeEnd
- Retrieved ending stream time.
Return Values
Returns VFW_E_SAMPLE_TIME_NOT_SET if this sample doesn't have valid timestamps, or NOERROR otherwise.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::GetTime method. It sets pTimeStart to the current value of m_Start and pTimeEnd to the current value of m_End.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::IsDiscontinuityDetermines if there is discontinuity in the data stream.
HRESULT IsDiscontinuity(void);
Return Values
Returns S_OK if the sample is a discontinuous sample and S_FALSE if not; otherwise, returns an HRESULT error value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::IsDiscontinuity method. It returns the value of the m_dwFlags Sample_Discontinuity property flag. Discontinuity occurs when a source filter seeks to a different place in the stream or when a filter drops samples for quality control.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::IsPrerollPreroll property. If TRUE, this sample is for preroll only and should not be displayed.
HRESULT IsPreroll(void);
Return Values
Returns S_OK if the sample is a preroll sample and S_FALSE if not; otherwise, returns an HRESULT error value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::IsPreroll method. It returns the value of the m_dwFlags Sample_Preroll property flag. Preroll samples are not meant to be rendered.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::IsSyncPointDetermines if the beginning of a sample is a synchronization point.
HRESULT IsSyncPoint(void);
Return Values
Returns S_OK if the sample is a synchronization point and S_FALSE if not; otherwise, returns an HRESULT error value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::IsSyncPoint method. It returns the value of the m_dwFlags Sample_SyncPoint property flag. If the bTemporalCompression member of the AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure is FALSE, all samples are synchronization points. A filter can begin a stream at any synchronization point.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::NonDelegatingQueryInterfaceRetrieves an interface and increments the reference count.
HRESULT NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
void ** ppv
- riid
- Reference identifier.
- ppv
- Pointer to the interface.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if ppv is invalid. Returns NOERROR if the query is successful or E_NOINTERFACE if it is not.
This member function implements the INonDelegatingUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface method and passes out references to the IMediaSample and IUnknown interfaces. Override this class to return other interfaces on the object in the derived class.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::QueryInterfaceRetrieves a pointer to a specified interface on a component to which a client currently holds an interface pointer. This method must call IUnknown::AddRef on the pointer it returns.
HRESULT QueryInterface(
void ** ppvObject
- iid
- Specifies the IID of the interface being requested.
- ppvObject
- Receives a pointer to an interface pointer to the object on return. If the interface specified in iid is not supported by the object, ppvObject is set to NULL.
Return Values
Returns S_OK if the interface is supported, S_FALSE if not.
This member function implements the IUnknown::QueryInterface method.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::ReleaseDecrements the reference count for the calling interface on an object. If the reference count on the object falls to zero, the object is freed from memory.
ULONG Release(void);
Return Values
Returns the resulting value of the reference count, which is used for diagnostic/testing purposes only. If you need to know that resources have been freed, use an interface with higher-level semantics.
This member function implements the IUnknown::Release method.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetActualDataLengthSets the data length of the sample.
HRESULT SetActualDataLength(
long lLen
- lLen
- Length of the data in the media sample, in bytes.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::SetActualDataLength method. It sets the value of m_lActual to the value of lLen.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetDiscontinuitySets the discontinuity property.
HRESULT SetDiscontinuity(
BOOL bDiscont
- bDiscont
- Set to TRUE to specify the media sample as discontinuous with the previous sample.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::SetDiscontinuity method. It sets the value of the m_dwFlags Sample_Discontinuity flag to the value of bDiscont. Discontinuous samples occur when a source filter seeks to a different place in the media stream or when a filter drops samples for quality control.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetMediaTimeSets the starting and ending media times.
HRESULT SetMediaTime(
LONGLONG * pStart,
- pStart
- Beginning media time.
- pEnd
- Ending media time.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::SetMediaTime method. It sets the m_MediaStart data member to the value of pStart and the m_MediaEnd data member to the value of pEnd minus pStart.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetMediaTypeSets the media type for the CMediaSample object.
HRESULT SetMediaType(
AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pMediaType
- pMediaType
- Pointer to a pointer to a media type structure to be set.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::SetMediaType method. It deletes the previous media type if one exists, makes a copy of the media type passed in, sets m_pMediaType to the copy of the media type, and sets the value of the m_dwFlags Sample_TypeChanged flag to TRUE.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetPointerSets the buffer pointer and length.
BYTE * ptr,
LONG cBytes
- ptr
- Pointer to a buffer.
- cBytes
- Length of the buffer, in bytes.
Return Values
No return value.
Allocators that require variable-sized pointers or pointers into data that has already been read use this member function. This is available only through a CMediaSample class, not an IMediaSample interface, so only the filter that owns the allocator knows how to access this member function (not any filter or pin that is passed the object's IMediaSample interface pointer).
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetPrerollSets the preroll property. If TRUE, this sample is for preroll only and should not be displayed.
HRESULT SetPreroll(
BOOL bIsPreroll
- bIsPreroll
- Set to TRUE to specify the media sample as a preroll sample, or FALSE otherwise.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::SetPreroll method. It sets the value of the m_dwFlags Sample_Preroll flag to the value of bIsPreroll. Preroll samples are samples that are processed but not displayed, and are located in the media stream before the displayable samples.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetSyncPointProperty of a synchronization point.
HRESULT SetSyncPoint(
BOOL bIsSyncPoint
- bIsSyncPoint
- Value specifying whether the synchronization point was set.
Return Values
Returns S_OK.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::SetSyncPoint method. It sets the value of the m_dwFlags Sample_SyncPoint flag to the value of bIsSyncPoint. A filter can begin a stream at any synchronization point.
CMediaSample Class
CMediaSample::SetTimeSets the media time extents for this sample.
- pTimeStart
- Stream time at which the sample begins.
- pTimeEnd
- Stream time at which the sample ends.
Return Values
Returns NOERROR or an HRESULT value.
This member function implements the IMediaSample::SetTime method. It sets the m_Start data member to the value of pTimeStart and the m_End data member to the value of pTimeEnd.
If pTimeStart and pTimeEnd are null, DirectShow turns off the m_dwFlags data member's Sample_TimeValid and Sample_StopValid bits.
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