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CMediaType Class
When filters are connected, they typically negotiate a type between them. This type describes the format of the data to be exchanged; if the filters do not agree on a media type, they cannot connect. Microsoft® DirectShow describes types through the media type structure, which contains two conceptual parts. The first is a list of members that describes generic attributes of a data stream. An example of this is a member that declares whether the data will be passed in fixed-size buffers. The second part of the structure is a variable-length block of data. How large the block of data should be and what it will contain depend on the type of data stream. For example, if the data stream is digital video, the format block is a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. If, on the other hand, it is digital audio, the format block is a Microsoft Win32® WAVEFORMATEX structure.
A data stream type (for example, digital video) is set with a combination of two globally unique identifiers (GUIDs), called a major type and a subtype. The major type describes the overall class of data, examples of which might be digital video, digital audio, MIDI, or text captions. The subtype should supply a more specific description of the data type. In the case of digital video, for example, the subtype could be RGB8, RGB16, or RGB32 (among others). By having these two types in a generic structure (AM_MEDIA_TYPE), a component, such as a filter graph, can connect filters without any knowledge that is type specific.
The distinction between what goes in the major type and the subtype is somewhat arbitrary. However, as a general rule, transformations between major types (for example, video to audio or video to MIDI) should be relatively rare. Such a rare exception might be a transformation between audio and MIDI. As for the subtype, the more information promoted from the type-specific format block into the subtype, the better the design.
As an example of promoting type-specific information to the subtype, video in DirectShow uses a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure for the type-specific format block. This contains a Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER structure that defines the video stream. BITMAPINFOHEADER contains the bit depth of the video, such as 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit. This information is duplicated in the subtype field, because a subtype of RGB8 directly infers a bit count of 8.
DirectShow defines a number of major types. The most important of these are a video type that uses VIDEOINFOHEADER for the variable-length format block, and an audio that uses WAVEFORMATEX. However, it is insufficient to have a major type (such as digital video) inferring the contents of the format block (in this case, VIDEOINFOHEADER). The principal reason for this is extensibility: the format block type must be able to be updated without changing the less-specific major type. Therefore, what the format block actually contains is inferred by another GUID called the format type. If the format block contains VIDEOINFOHEADER, the format type GUID will be FORMAT_VideoInfo.
The principal use of the CMediaType class is to manage a media type structure in a simple way. At the same time, the class provides some extra helper functions (such as format-block copying and allocation). The class can be cast to an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure when an interface method requires one to be passed to it.
The CMediaType class contains a pointer to a block of memory. When copying a CMediaType object, it is insufficient to simply copy the pointer. In C++, a data copy is required, which actually allocates a new block of memory and copies the data into it. This is the purpose of the copy operator.
Similarly, when comparing two CMediaType objects, you must compare the blocks of variable-length data (actually using memcmp) when producing the final result. To make this possible, CMediaType overrides the equivalence operator.
Member Functions
Name Description AllocFormatBuffer Allocates an uninitialized format block in the object. CMediaType Constructs a CMediaType object. Format Returns the format block for this media type. FormatLength Returns the length of the format block of this object. FormatType Returns a pointer to the format type. GetSampleSize Returns the size of the samples. InitMediaType Initializes the media type. IsFixedSize Queries whether the samples are fixed in length. IsPartiallySpecified Checks if the media type is not completely specified. IsTemporalCompressed Queries whether the data stream is compressed temporally. IsValid Queries whether the media type is currently valid. MatchesPartial Checks whether this media type matches another media type that is only partially specified. ReallocFormatBuffer Reallocates the format block, maintaining its current content where possible. ResetFormatBuffer Deletes any format block that is currently present. SetFormat Sets the format block. SetFormatType Sets the type of the format block in the object. SetSampleSize Sets the size of the samples. SetSubtype Sets the subtype. SetTemporalCompression Marks the media type to indicate that samples will be temporally compressed. SetType Sets the major type. SetVariableSize Marks the media type to indicate that samples will vary in length. Subtype Returns a pointer to the subtype. Type Returns a pointer to the major type. Operators
Name Description operator = Performs a copy operation. operator == Tests for equality between CMediaType objects. operator != Tests for inequality between CMediaType objects. CMediaType Class
CMediaType::AllocFormatBufferAllocates a block of memory for the format block.
BYTE* AllocFormatBuffer(
ULONG length
- length
- Size required for the format block.
Return Values
Returns a pointer to the new block if successful; otherwise, returns NULL.
Any previous format block is deleted and a new block is allocated and installed. The size required must be nonzero.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::CMediaTypeConstructs a CMediaType object.
CMediaType( );
const GUID * majortype
const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& mtype
const CMediaType& cmtype
- majortype
- Major type GUID.
- mtype
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure.
- cmtype
- CMediaType object from which this object is constructed.
Return Values
No return value.
A CMediaType object can be constructed in a number of different ways. The class provides a default constructor that takes no parameters. It can also be constructed based on an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure or another CMediaType object. In both cases, it takes a data copy of the format block before returning.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::FormatReturns a pointer to the variable-length format block of the object.
BYTE* Format( ) const;
Return Values
Returns the format block of the object whose content is type-specific.
If no format block has been allocated, it might return NULL.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::FormatLengthReturns the size, in bytes, of the format block that the object contains.
ULONG FormatLength( ) const;
Return Values
Returns the length of the format block, or NULL if no format block is present.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::FormatTypeRetrieves the format type.
const GUID *FormatType( ) const;
Return Values
Returns a pointer to the format type.
The format GUID describes the content of the variable-length format block. Examples of format types are FORMAT_VideoInfo and FORMAT_WaveFormatEx.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::GetSampleSizeReturns the maximum sample size for the data stream.
ULONG GetSampleSize( ) const;
Return Values
Returns the maximum size of any sample to be sent, or zero to indicate that the sample size is variable.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::InitMediaTypeInitializes the sample.
void InitMediaType( );
Return Values
No return value.
This member function clears memory, sets the fixed sample size property, and sets the sample size to 1.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::IsFixedSizeDetermines if the samples for the stream will be fixed or variable size.
BOOL IsFixedSize( ) const;
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning TRUE Samples will be fixed size. FALSE Samples will be variable length. CMediaType Class
CMediaType::IsPartiallySpecifiedDetermines if the media type is only partially defined. This is the case if the major type or format type is GUID_NULL.
BOOL IsPartiallySpecified( ) const;
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning TRUE Media type is partially specified. FALSE Media type is completely specified. Remarks
This function does not check the sub type.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::IsTemporalCompressedAsks if the stream will be compressed temporally.
BOOL IsTemporalCompressed( ) const;
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning TRUE Stream will have temporal compression. FALSE Stream will have no temporal compression. Remarks
Some data streams, such as compressed video, have temporal dependencies between successive samples. Other data streams do not have temporal dependencies between their samples; that is, each sample can be treated as an independent unit; for example, MIDI.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::IsValidQueries whether the object has a valid major type.
BOOL IsValid( ) const;
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning TRUE CMediaType object has a valid major type. FALSE CMediaType object does not have a valid major type. Remarks
When CMediaType objects are constructed, their GUIDs are initialized with GUID_NULL (unless they are constructed based on another AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure or CMediaType object). This member function is useful for discovering if the object has been correctly initialized.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::MatchesPartialDetermines if this media type matches the media type pointed to by the ppartial parameter.
BOOL MatchesPartial(
const CMediaType *ppartial
) const;Parameters
- ppartial
- Pointer to the media type to match.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning TRUE Media types match for the parts that are defined. FALSE Media types do not match. Remarks
The matching applies only for the parts of ppartial that are defined. That is, this only matches the major type, subtype, or format type of the media type if these are not defined as GUID_NULL.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::ReallocFormatBufferReallocates the format block to a new size.
BYTE* ReallocFormatBuffer(
ULONG length
- length
- New size required for the format block.
Return Values
Returns a pointer to the new block if successful; otherwise, returns NULL.
Any current format block will be copied into the newly allocated block up to its maximum size. Any excess will be lost when the new block is smaller than the old one. When the new block is larger, the excess is not filled with zeros.
The size required must be nonzero.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::ResetFormatBufferDeletes any format block currently held, sets it to NULL, and sets the size of the format block to zero.
void ResetFormatBuffer( );
Return Values
No return value.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SetFormatSets the variable-length format block.
BOOL SetFormat(
BYTE *pFormat,
ULONG length
- pFormat
- Block of memory containing type-specific information.
- length
- Overall length of the format block.
Return Values
Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning TRUE Format block was set. FALSE An error occurred; most likely there was no memory available. Remarks
The function takes a copy of the format block and stores that internally.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SetFormatTypeSets the GUID that describes the content of the format block.
void SetFormatType(
const GUID * pformattype
- pformattype
- GUID describing the format type.
Return Values
No return value.
The format GUID describes what can be expected to be found in the variable-length format block. For example, if the format type is FORMAT_VideoInfo, the format block should contain a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. The creator of this object is responsible for making them consistent.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SetSampleSizeSets the maximum sample size for the data stream.
void SetSampleSize(
- sz
- Size of the sample.
Return Values
No return value.
If the sample size passed is zero, the object is set so that the data stream will send variable-length samples (the CMediaType::GetSampleSize member function will return zero). Otherwise, it will set the maximum size of the sample to the size specified in the sz parameter.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SetSubtypeSets the subtype for the object.
void SetSubtype(
const GUID * psubtype
- psubtype
- GUID defining the subtype for the object.
Return Values
No return value.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SetTemporalCompressionMarks the media type so that the data stream it describes might or might not contain temporal compression (according to the input Boolean flag).
void SetTemporalCompression(
BOOL bCompressed
- bCompressed
- TRUE to indicate that the stream will contain temporal compression; otherwise, FALSE.
Return Values
No return value.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SetTypeSets the major type for the object.
void SetType(
const GUID * ptype
- ptype
- GUID defining the major type for the object.
Return Values
No return value.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SetVariableSizeSets the media type to indicate that the data stream will send variable-length samples.
void SetVariableSize( );
Return Values
No return value.
Subsequent calls to CMediaType::GetSampleSize will return zero.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::SubtypeRetrieves the subtype.
const GUID *Type( ) const;
Return Values
Returns a pointer to the subtype.
The subtype GUID gives finer detail within the major type of data represented by this media type.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::TypeRetrieves the major type.
const GUID *Type( ) const;
Return Values
Returns a pointer to the major type.
The major type GUID describes the class of data represented by this media type.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::operator =The CMediaType variation of this operator is the copy constructor for a CMediaType object.
The AM_MEDIA_TYPE variation of this operator is the copy constructor for an AM_MEDIA_TYPE object.
CMediaType& operator=(
const CMediaType& rt
CMediaType& operator=(
const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& mrt
- rt
- Object to copy during the assignment operation.
- mrt
- Object to copy during the assignment operation.
Return Values
Returns a reference to this object after the operation.
Because the CMediaType class inherits publicly from AM_MEDIA_TYPE, the compiler could generate the copy constructor for the AM_MEDIA_TYPE object itself. However, this could introduce some memory conflicts and leaks in the process because the structure contains a dynamically allocated block (which the AM_MEDIA_TYPE pbFormat member points to), which the compiler's copy constructor will not copy correctly.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::operator ==Tests for equality between CMediaType objects.
inline BOOL operator==(const CMediaType& rt) const;Parameters
- rt
- CMediaType object corresponding to the right side of the operator.
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the CMediaType object tested is equal to this object; otherwise, returns FALSE.
This object is on the left side of the operator.
CMediaType Class
CMediaType::operator !=Tests for inequality between CMediaType objects.
BOOL operator!=(
const CMediaType& rt
) const;Parameters
- rt
- CMediaType object corresponding to the right side of the operator.
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the CMediaType object tested is not equal to this object; otherwise, returns FALSE.
This object is on the left side of the operator.
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