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CPosPassThru Class
The CPosPassThru class is a utility class that handles the IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking interfaces for single-input pin renderers and transform filters.
IMediaPosition is the interface originally used for seeking in time-based media streams. IMediaSeeking is an interface intended to replace IMediaPosition in filter graphs that require seeking to units other than time, such as samples or fields, or that require more precise time-based seeking.
Renderers will use this class to implement IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking from the filter; transform filters will use it to implement these two interfaces from the output pin. In both cases, the methods will be implemented by calls to the IMediaPosition or IMediaSeeking interface provided by the output pin of the connected upstream filter, effectively passing the position information through to the next filter.
Create a class derived from CPosPassThru, giving it the IPin pointer to your input pin, and delegate all IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking methods to it. The class will find the output pin connected to the input pin, query this output pin for the IMediaPosition or IMediaSeeking interface, and respond appropriately.
Protected Data Members
Name Description m_Pin Pointer to the input pin of the filter. Member Functions
Name Description CPosPassThru Constructs a CPosPassThru object. ForceRefresh Releases any cached interfaces held on the upstream pin. Overridable Member Functions
Name Description GetMediaTime Retrieves the starting and ending media times. Implemented IMediaPosition Methods
Name Description CanSeekBackward Determines if the current position can be moved backward in the media stream. CanSeekForward Determines if the current position can be moved forward in the media stream. get_CurrentPosition Retrieves the current position in terms of the total length of the media stream. get_Duration Retrieves the total duration of the media stream. get_PrerollTime Retrieves the time before the start position that the filter graph will start any nonrandom access device rolling. get_Rate Retrieves the playback rate, relative to normal playback of the media. get_StopTime Retrieves the position within the media at which playback should stop. put_CurrentPosition Sets the position within the media at which playback should start. put_PrerollTime Sets the time before the start position that the filter graph will start any nonrandom access device rolling. put_Rate Sets the playback rate, relative to normal playback of the media. put_StopTime Sets the position within the media at which playback should stop. Implemented IMediaSeeking Methods
Name Description CheckCapabilities Determines which capabilities exist on a media stream by applying seeking capability flags and checking the returned value. ConvertTimeFormat Converts a time from one time format to another. GetAvailable Returns the range of times in which seeking is efficient. GetCapabilities Retrieves the seeking capabilities of the media stream. GetCurrentPosition Retrieves the current position within the media stream. GetDuration Retrieves the length of time that the media stream will play. GetPositions Retrieves the current start and stop position settings. GetPreroll Retrieves the preroll settings. GetRate Retrieves the current rate. GetStopPosition Retrieves the position at which the media stream stops. GetTimeFormat Retrieves the current media time format. IsFormatSupported Determines if a specified time format is supported. IsUsingTimeFormat Determines if the time format being used in the call is the same as the one the interface currently uses. QueryPreferredFormat Retrieves the preferred time format the interface will use. SetPositions Sets current and stop positions and applies flags to both. SetRate Sets a new playback rate. SetTimeFormat Sets the time format, which determines the format of units used during seeking. Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
Name Description NonDelegatingQueryInterface Returns a specified reference-counted interface. CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::CanSeekBackwardDetermines if the current position can be moved backward in the media stream.
HRESULT CanSeekBackward(
LONG *pCanSeekBackward
- pCanSeekBackward
- Set to OATRUE if able to seek backward; otherwise set to OAFALSE.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::CanSeekBackward on the connected pin.
This member function calls IMediaPosition::CanSeekBackward on the connected pin and returns the result.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::CanSeekForwardDetermines if the current position can be moved forward in the media stream.
HRESULT CanSeekForward(
LONG *pCanSeekForward
- pCanSeekForward
- Set to OATRUE if able to seek forward; otherwise set to OAFALSE.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::CanSeekForward on the connected pin.
This member function calls IMediaPosition::CanSeekForward on the upstream output pin connected to the peer input pin and returns the result.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::CheckCapabilitiesDetermines which capabilities exist on a media stream by applying seeking capability flags and checking the returned value.
HRESULT CheckCapabilities(
DWORD * pCapabilities
- pCapabilities
- Pointer to an AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES enumerator containing the seeking capabilities flags to apply. These flags can be any combination of the following:
AM_SEEKING_CanGetCurrentPos AM_SEEKING_CanGetDuration AM_SEEKING_CanGetStopPos AM_SEEKING_CanPlayBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekAbsolute AM_SEEKING_CanSeekBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekForwards Return Values
Returns S_OK if all capabilities in pCapabilities are present, S_FALSE if some are present, or E_FAIL if none are present.
This member function implements IMediaSeeking::CheckCapabilities, by calling the IMediaSeeking::CheckCapabilities method on the upstream output pin connected to the peer input pin. The pin that performs the seek operation will return whether the flags presented in the pCapabilities parameter are present. This returned value will then, in turn, propagate to calls made from CPosPassThru::CheckCapabilities member functions in intervening filters.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::ConvertTimeFormatConverts a time from one format to another.
HRESULT ConvertTimeFormat(
LONGLONG * pTarget,
const GUID * pTargetFormat,
const GUID * pSourceFormat
- pTarget
- Time in converted format.
- pTargetFormat
- GUID of the format to convert to, or the currently selected format if NULL.
- Source
- Time in original format.
- pSourceFormat
- GUID of the format to be converted from, or the currently selected format if NULL.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::ConvertTimeFormat on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::ConvertTimeFormat method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::CPosPassThruConstructs a CPosPassThru object.
const TCHAR *pName,
HRESULT * phr,
IPin * pPin
- pName
- Name of the object used in the CPosPassThru constructor for debugging purposes.
- pUnk
- Pointer to the owner of this object.
- phr
- Pointer to an HRESULT value for resulting information.
- pPin
- Pointer to the input pin for the filter.
Return Values
No return value.
Allocate the pName parameter in static memory. This name appears on the debugging terminal upon creation and deletion of the object.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::ForceRefreshReleases any cached interfaces on the upstream pin.
HRESULT ForceRefresh( );
Return Values
Returns S_OK.
For efficiency, the CPosPassThru class can cache the IMediaPosition interface of the connected upstream output pin. This method releases any cached interface pointers and forces them to be obtained again via QueryInterface if needed.
Presently, this class does not cache the upstream IMediaPosition so this member function is not necessary. It is left in for future flexibility.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetAvailableReturns the range of times in which seeking is efficient.
HRESULT GetAvailable(
LONGLONG * pEarliest,
LONGLONG * pLatest
- pEarliest
- Earliest time that can be efficiently seeked to.
- pLatest
- Latest time that can be efficiently seeked to.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetAvailable on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetAvailable method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetCapabilitiesReturns the seeking capabilities of the media stream.
HRESULT GetCapabilities(
DWORD * pCapabilities
- pCapabilities
- Seeking capability flags, which can be any combination of the following.
AM_SEEKING_CanGetCurrentPos AM_SEEKING_CanGetDuration AM_SEEKING_CanGetStopPos AM_SEEKING_CanPlayBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekAbsolute AM_SEEKING_CanSeekBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekForwards Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetCapabilities on the connected pin.
This member function implements IMediaSeeking::GetCapabilities by calling the IMediaSeeking::GetCapabilities method on the upstream output pin connected to the peer input pin. The pin that performs the seek operation will return the capabilities present in the pCapabilities parameter. These returned capabilities will then, in turn, propagate to calls made from CPosPassThru::GetCapabilities member functions in intervening filters.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetCurrentPositionRetrieves the current position in terms of the media stream's total length.
HRESULT GetCurrentPosition(
LONGLONG* pCurrent
- pCurrent
- Current position in current time format units.
Return Values
Returns NOERROR if successful. Otherwise, returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetCurrentPosition on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetCurrentPosition interface. It calls the CPosPassThru::GetMediaTime virtual member function, which you should override and implement in your derived class to return the current position. If this fails (which it does by default), the IMediaSeeking::GetCurrentPosition on the upstream filter's output pin is called.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::get_CurrentPositionRetrieves the current position in terms of the total length of the media stream.
HRESULT get_CurrentPosition(
REFTIME* pllTime
- pllTime
- Returned start time as a double value in seconds.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::get_CurrentPosition on the connected pin.
The start position is applied before the rate and therefore is the position at typical playback speed.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetDurationRetrieves the length of time that the media stream will play.
HRESULT GetDuration(
LONGLONG* pDuration
- pDuration
- Returned length of the media stream.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetDuration on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetDuration method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::get_DurationRetrieves the total duration of the media stream.
HRESULT get_Duration(
REFTIME * plength
- plength
- Returned length of the media stream.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::get_Duration on the connected pin.
The duration assumes normal playback speed, and it is therefore unaffected by the rate.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetMediaTimeRetrieves the starting and ending media times.
virtual HRESULT GetMediaTime(
LONGLONG* pStartTime,
- pStartTime
- Returned starting media time.
- pEndTime
- Returned ending media time.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value (E_FAIL by default).
Override this virtual member function to return the current samples' media time. This represents the current position in terms of media time (for example, frame 20 of a total 130 frames).
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetPositionsReturns the current and stop position settings.
HRESULT GetPositions(
LONGLONG * pCurrent,
- pCurrent
- Start time in the current time format.
- pStop
- Stop time in the current time format.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetPositions on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetPositions method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin. It allows the retrieval of several values with only one call.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetPrerollRetrieves the preroll settings.
HRESULT GetPreroll(
LONGLONG * pllPreroll
- pllPreroll
- Returned preroll time.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetPreroll on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetPreroll method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::get_PrerollTimeRetrieves the time prior to the start position that devices should start rolling.
HRESULT get_PrerollTime(
REFTIME* pllTime
- pllTime
- Returned preroll time as a double value in seconds.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::get_PrerollTime on the connected pin.
Preroll time is the time prior to the start position at which nonrandom access devices, such as tape players, should start rolling.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetRateRetrieves the current rate.
double * pdRate
- pdRate
- Current rate, where 1 is the normal rate.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetRate on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetRate method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::get_RateRetrieves the rate of playback relative to normal playback speed.
HRESULT get_Rate(
double * pdRate
- pdRate
- Returned rate.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::get_Rate on the connected pin.
A rate of 1.0 indicates normal playback speed. A rate of 0.5 indicates half speed. A rate of 1.0 indicates normal speed in reverse.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetStopPositionRetrieves the position at which the media stream stops.
HRESULT GetStopPosition(
- pStop
- Returned stop time.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetStopPosition on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetStopPosition method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin. The stop position is a time between zero and the duration of the media at which playback should stop.
The stop position is applied before the rate and therefore is the position at typical playback speed.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::get_StopTimeRetrieves the time at which the media stream stops.
HRESULT get_StopTime(
REFTIME* pllTime
- pllTime
- Returned stop time as a double value in seconds.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::get_StopTime on the connected pin.
The stop time is a position between zero and the duration of the media at which playback should stop.
The stop position is applied before the rate and therefore is the position at typical playback speed.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::GetTimeFormatRetrieves the current time format, which determines the format of units used during seeking.
HRESULT GetTimeFormat(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Media time format currently supported by this interface.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::GetTimeFormat on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::GetTimeFormat method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin.
See the IMediaSeeking::IsFormatSupported method for a list of time formats.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::IsFormatSupportedDetermines if a specified time format is supported.
HRESULT IsFormatSupported(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format to compare.
Return Values
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::IsFormatSupported on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::IsFormatSupported method. See that method for a list of valid time formats.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::IsUsingTimeFormatDetermines if the time format being used in the call is the same as the one currently in use by the interface.
HRESULT IsUsingTimeFormat(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format to check.
Return Values
Returns S_OK if pFormat is the current time format; otherwise returns S_FALSE.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::IsUsingTimeFormat method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin. This can be used in place of IMediaSeeking::GetTimeFormat to save copying the GUID.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::NonDelegatingQueryInterfaceReturns a specified reference-counted interface.
HRESULT NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
void **ppv
- riid
- Reference identifier.
- ppv
- Pointer to the interface.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if ppv is invalid. Returns NOERROR if the query is successful or E_NOINTERFACE if it is not.
Returns pointers to the IMediaPosition, IMediaSeeking, and IUnknown interfaces by default. Override this method to publish any additional interfaces implemented by the derived class.
This member function implements the INonDelegatingUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface method.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::put_CurrentPositionSets the time that the media stream begins.
HRESULT put_CurrentPosition(
- llTime
- Start time expressed as a double value in seconds.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::put_CurrentPosition on the connected pin.
The start time is a position between zero and the duration of the media at which playback should begin when the next run command is issued. Do not call this method when the filter graph is running, only when it is paused or stopped.
Setting the start position when paused causes playback to resume from the new start position when the run command is issued.
The start position is applied before the rate and therefore is the position at typical playback speed.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::put_PrerollTimeSets the time prior to the start position that devices should start rolling.
HRESULT put_PrerollTime(
- llTime
- Preroll time to be set.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::put_PrerollTime.
Preroll time is the time prior to the start position at which nonrandom access devices, such as tape players, should start rolling.
Note that while this member function passes the call upstream, the IMediaPosition::put_PrerollTime method is not implemented on any Microsoft source filter.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::put_RateSets the rate of playback relative to normal speed.
HRESULT put_Rate(
double dRate
- dRate
- Rate to set.
Return Values
Returns E_INVALIDARG if dRate is zero. Otherwise, returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::put_Rate on the connected pin.
This property allows an application to speed up or slow down playback relative to the normal default playback speed. A rate of 1.0 indicates normal playback speed. Specifying 2.0 causes playback at twice the normal rate: a video created for 10 frames per second (fps) will be played back at 20 fps, if resources permit. Audio streams played back at above-normal speed increase the pitch rather than drop frames.
Negative rates indicate reverse play. Not all media will support reverse play.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::put_StopTimeSets the time at which the media stream will stop.
HRESULT put_StopTime(
- llTime
- Stop time as a double value in seconds.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaPosition::put_StopTime on the connected pin.
The stop time is a position between zero and the duration of the media at which playback should stop.
The stop position is applied before the rate and therefore is the position at typical playback speed.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::QueryPreferredFormatRetrieves the preferred time format to be used by the interface.
HRESULT QueryPreferredFormat(
GUID *pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format preferred by the interface.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::QueryPreferredFormat on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::QueryPreferredFormat method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin.
See the description for IMediaSeeking::IsFormatSupported for a list of available time formats. If the time format returned is not satisfactory, use the IMediaSeeking::IsFormatSupported method to query for supported time formats that you can use.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::SetPositionsSets current and stop positions and applies flags to both.
HRESULT SetPositions(
LONGLONG * pCurrent,
DWORD dwCurrentFlags,
DWORD dwStopFlags
- pCurrent
- Start position if stopped, or position to continue from if paused.
- dwCurrentFlags
- When seeking, one of these flags must be set to indicate the type of seek. See the IMediaSeeking::SetPositions method for a description of these flags.
- pStop
- Position in the stream at which to quit.
- dwStopFlags
- Stop position seeking options to be applied. These are the same as listed for dwCurrentFlags.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::SetPositions on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::SetPositions method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin. It allows the retrieval of several values with only one call.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::SetRateSets a new playback rate.
double dRate
- dRate
- New rate, where 1 is the normal rate, 2 is twice as fast, and so on.
Return Values
Returns E_INVALIDARG if dRate is zero. Otherwise, returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::SetRate on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::SetRate method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin. It is an error to set the rate to 0.
CPosPassThru Class
CPosPassThru::SetTimeFormatSets the time format, which determines the format of units used during seeking.
HRESULT SetTimeFormat(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format to be supported by this interface.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned from calling IMediaSeeking::SetTimeFormat on the connected pin.
This member function implements the IMediaSeeking::SetTimeFormat method by calling this same method on the upstream filter's output pin. See the IMediaSeeking::IsFormatSupported method for a list of time formats.
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