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CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking is an abstract class that assists source filters with the implementation of IMediaSeeking interface methods. This class enables a source filter to handle calls that change the start and stop positions in the media stream and the playback rate.
Derive from this class and set the positions. This class supports IMediaSeeking, and calls the pure virtual member functions CSourceSeeking::ChangeStart, CSourceSeeking::ChangeStop, and CSourceSeeking::ChangeRate when CSourceSeeking::SetPositions or CSourceSeeking::SetRate is called, to enable a source filter to handle these commands and start sending new data.
Override the CSourceSeeking::ChangeStart, CSourceSeeking::ChangeStop, and CSourceSeeking::ChangeRate member functions to do something when the properties change.
Protected Data Members
Name Description m_dRateSeeking Playback rate. Set to 1 by default. m_dwSeekingCaps Seeking capabilities returned in the GetCapabilities function. Can be one or more of the following values: AM_SEEKING_CanSeekForwards, AM_SEEKING_CanSeekBackwards, AM_SEEKING_CanSeekAbsolute, AM_SEEKING_CanGetStopPos, AM_SEEKING_CanGetDuration. Set to all of these by default. m_pLock Pointer to a CCritSec object for locking. m_rtDuration Duration of the stream. Set to m_rtStop by default. m_rtStart Start time. Set to zero by default. m_rtStop Stop time. Set to the largest positive 64-bit integer possible (9223372036854775807) by default. Member Functions
Name Description CSourceSeeking Constructs a CSourceSeeking object. Overridable Member Functions
Name Description ChangeRate Override this pure virtual to handle notification of a change of sample rate. ChangeStart Override this pure virtual to handle notification of a change of start time. ChangeStop Override this pure virtual to handle notification of a change in stop time. Implemented IMediaSeeking Methods
Name Description CheckCapabilities Checks that all requested capabilities are in m_dwSeekingCaps. ConvertTimeFormat Checks that the time format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME. This is the only format currently available. GetAvailable Retrieves the range of seeking times. Earliest is zero and latest is the media stream's duration. GetCapabilities Retrieves the current seeking capabilities in m_dwSeekingCaps. GetCurrentPosition Not currently implemented. GetDuration Retrieves the length of time the media stream will play. GetPositions Retrieves the current start and stop position settings. GetPreroll Sets the preroll time to zero. GetRate Retrieves the current playback rate. GetStopPosition Retrieves the position within the media stream at which playback should stop. GetTimeFormat Sets the time format to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME. This is the only format currently supported. IsFormatSupported Determines if the requested format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME. This is the only format currently supported. IsUsingTimeFormat Determines if the requested format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME. This is the only format currently supported. QueryPreferredFormat Sets the preferred time format to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME. This is the only format currently supported. SetPositions Sets current and stop positions, first checking that the seeking options are valid. SetRate Sets the playback rate. SetTimeFormat Checks that the time format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME. This is the only format currently supported. Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
Name Description NonDelegatingQueryInterface Retrieves an interface and increments the reference count on the interface. CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::ChangeRateOverride this member function to handle notification of a change of sample rate.
virtual HRESULT ChangeRate( ) PURE;
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation. HRESULT can be one of the following standard constants, or other values not listed:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_POINTER Null pointer argument. E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument. E_NOTIMPL Method isn't supported. S_OK or NOERROR Success. Remarks
This member function is called when a change to the rate has been made by a call to the CSourceSeeking::SetRate function. Override this and change the rate of data sent. Typically, you do this by calling CBaseInputPin::BeginFlush and CBaseInputPin::EndFlush, and then send samples marked with new time stamps, for example, with an implementation NewSegment method.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::ChangeStartOverride this member function to handle notification of a change of start time.
virtual HRESULT ChangeStart( ) PURE;
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation. HRESULT can be one of the following standard constants, or other values not listed:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_POINTER Null pointer argument. E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument. E_NOTIMPL Method isn't supported. S_OK or NOERROR Success. Remarks
This member function is called when a new start position has been requested by a call to CSourceSeeking::SetPositions. Override this and change the data sent. Typically, you do this by calling CBaseInputPin::BeginFlush and CBaseInputPin::EndFlush, and then send samples marked with new start time, for example, with an implementation NewSegment method.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::ChangeStopOverride this member function to handle notification of a change in stop time.
virtual HRESULT ChangeStop( ) PURE;
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation. HRESULT can be one of the following standard constants, or other values not listed:
Value Meaning E_FAIL Failure. E_POINTER Null pointer argument. E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument. E_NOTIMPL Method isn't supported. S_OK or NOERROR Success. Remarks
This member function is called when a change to the stop position has been made by a call to CSourceSeeking::SetPositions. Override this and ensure that the correct stop time is being observed. Typically, you do this by calling CBaseInputPin::BeginFlush and CBaseInputPin::EndFlush, and then send samples marked with new stop time, for example, with an implementation NewSegment method.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::CheckCapabilitiesChecks that all the requested capabilities are among the flags in m_dwSeekingCaps.
HRESULT CheckCapabilities(
DWORD * pCapabilities
- pCapabilities
- Pointer to an AM_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES enumerator containing the desired seeking capabilities flags in m_dwSeekingCaps. This value can be any combination of the following flags:
AM_SEEKING_CanGetCurrentPos AM_SEEKING_CanGetDuration AM_SEEKING_CanGetStopPos AM_SEEKING_CanPlayBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekAbsolute AM_SEEKING_CanSeekBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekForwards Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pCapabilities is not a valid pointer, S_OK if all the requested capabilities in pCapabilities are supported, or S_FALSE if they are not.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::ConvertTimeFormatChecks that the time format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME. This is the only format currently available.
HRESULT ConvertTimeFormat(
LONGLONG * pTarget,
const GUID * pTargetFormat,
const GUID * pSourceFormat
- pTarget
- Time set to Source time if the format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME or NULL.
- pTargetFormat
- Source
- Time in original format.
- pSourceFormat
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pTarget is not a valid pointer, or E_INVALIDARG if pTargetFormat and pSourceFormat are not equal to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME or NULL; otherwise, returns S_OK.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::CSourceSeekingConstructs a CSourceSeeking object.
const TCHAR * pName,
HRESULT * phr,
CCritSec * pLock
- pName
- Name of the object used in the CSourceSeeking constructor for debugging purposes.
- pUnk
- Pointer to the owner of this object.
- phr
- Pointer to an HRESULT value for information about the results of creating this object.
- pLock
- Pointer to a CCritSec object used for synchronization within a process.
Return Values
No return value.
Allocate the pName parameter in static memory. This name appears on the debugging terminal upon creation and deletion of the object.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetAvailableReturns the range of seeking times.
HRESULT GetAvailable(
LONGLONG * pEarliest,
LONGLONG * pLatest
- pEarliest
- Earliest time that can be seeked to. Set to zero.
- pLatest
- Latest time that can be seeked to. Set to m_rtDuration.
Return Values
Returns S_OK.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetCapabilitiesRetrieves the seeking capabilities of the media stream.
HRESULT GetCapabilities(
DWORD * pCapabilities
- pCapabilities
- Set to the seeking capability flags in m_dwSeekingCaps, which can be any combination of the following:
AM_SEEKING_CanGetCurrentPos AM_SEEKING_CanGetDuration AM_SEEKING_CanGetStopPos AM_SEEKING_CanPlayBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekAbsolute AM_SEEKING_CanSeekBackwards AM_SEEKING_CanSeekForwards Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pCapabilities is invalid; otherwise, returns S_OK.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetCurrentPositionNot currently implemented.
HRESULT GetCurrentPosition(
LONGLONG* pCurrent
- pCurrent
- Current position in current time format units.
Return Values
Returns E_NOTIMPL.
This function is typically supported only in renderers and not in source filters.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetDurationRetrieves the length of time that the media stream will play.
HRESULT GetDuration(
LONGLONG* pDuration
- pDuration
- Duration of the media stream set to the value in m_rtDuration.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pDuration is invalid; otherwise, returns S_OK.
The duration in m_rtDuration is set to the stop time in m_rtStop. Set the stop time with the CSourceSeeking::SetPositions function.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetPositionsRetrieves the current and stop position settings.
HRESULT GetPositions(
LONGLONG * pCurrent,
- pCurrent
- Current start time set to the value in m_rtStart.
- pStop
- Current stop time set to the value in m_rtStop.
Return Values
Returns S_OK.
The start and stop times are set in the CSourceSeeking::SetPositions function.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetPrerollSets the preroll time to zero.
HRESULT GetPreroll(
LONGLONG * pPreroll
- pPreroll
- Returned preroll time of zero.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pPreroll is invalid; otherwise, returns S_OK.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetRateRetrieves the current playback rate.
double * pdRate
- pdRate
- Returned playback rate set to the value in m_dRateSeeking, where 1 is the normal rate.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pdRate is invalid; otherwise, returns S_OK.
Set the rate in the CSourceSeeking::SetRate function.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetStopPositionRetrieves the position within the media stream at which playback should stop.
HRESULT GetStopPosition(
- pStop
- Returned stop time set to the value in m_rtStop.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pStop is invalid; otherwise, returns S_OK.
Set the stop time in the CSourceSeeking::SetPositions function.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::GetTimeFormatSets the time format to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME, which determines the format of units used during seeking.
HRESULT GetTimeFormat(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Media time format set to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pFormat is invalid; otherwise, returns S_OK.
TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME is the only time format currently supported.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::IsFormatSupportedDetermines if the requested format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
HRESULT IsFormatSupported(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format to compare to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pFormat is invalid, S_OK if the format in pFormat is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME, or S_FALSE if the format in pFormat is not TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME is the only time format currently supported. As implemented, this function is the same as CSourceSeeking::IsUsingTimeFormat.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::IsUsingTimeFormatDetermines if the requested format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
HRESULT IsUsingTimeFormat(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format to compare to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pFormat is invalid, S_OK if the format in pFormat is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME, or S_FALSE if the format in pFormat is not TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME is the only time format currently supported. As implemented, this method is the same as CSourceSeeking::IsFormatSupported.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::NonDelegatingQueryInterfaceRetrieves an interface and increments the reference count on the interface.
HRESULT NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
void **ppv
- riid
- Reference identifier.
- ppv
- Pointer to the interface.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if ppv is invalid. Returns NOERROR if the query is successful or E_NOINTERFACE if it is not.
Returns pointers to the IMediaSeeking and IUnknown interfaces by default. Override this method to publish any additional interfaces implemented by the derived class.
This member function implements the INonDelegatingUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface method.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::QueryPreferredFormatSets the preferred time format to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
HRESULT QueryPreferredFormat(
GUID *pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format set to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pFormat is invalid; otherwise, returns S_OK.
TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME is the only time format currently supported.
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::SetPositionsSets current and stop positions, first checking that the seeking options are valid.
HRESULT SetPositions(
LONGLONG * pCurrent,
DWORD CurrentFlags,
DWORD StopFlags
- pCurrent
- Start position if stopped, or position to continue from if paused.
- CurrentFlags
- Flags that indicate the type of seek. Valid values are AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning and AM_SEEKING_RelativePositioning. See the IMediaSeeking::SetPositions method for a description of these flags.
- pStop
- Position in the stream at which to quit playback.
- StopFlags
- Flags that indicate stop position seeking options. Valid values are AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning, AM_SEEKING_RelativePositioning, and AM_SEEKING_IncrementalPositioning. See the IMediaSeeking::SetPositions method for a description of these flags.
Return Values
Returns E_INVALIDARG if CurrentFlags and StopFlags are not one of the values listed, or E_POINTER if pCurrent or pStop is invalid; otherwise, returns the HRESULT returned by calls to the CSourceSeeking::ChangeStart and CSourceSeeking::ChangeStop functions.
You must implement ChangeStart and ChangeStop to use this method.
See Also
CSourceSeeking::GetPositions, CSourceSeeking::GetStopPosition, CSourceSeeking::GetDuration
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::SetRateSets a new playback rate.
double dRate
- dRate
- New rate, where 1.0 is the normal normal playback speed. Specifying 2.0 causes playback at twice the normal rate: a video created for 10 frames per second (fps) will be played back at 20 fps, if resources permit. Audio streams played back at above-normal speed increase the pitch rather than drop samples. A rate of 0.5 specifies half speed.
Return Values
Returns the HRESULT value returned by the call to the CSourceSeeking::ChangeRate function.
You must implement ChangeRate to use this method. The m_dRateSeeking data member is set to the new rate. Setting the rate to zero causes an error.
See Also
CSourceSeeking Class
CSourceSeeking::SetTimeFormatChecks that the requested format is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
HRESULT SetTimeFormat(
const GUID * pFormat
- pFormat
- Time format to compare to TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if pFormat is invalid, S_OK if the format in pFormat is TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME, or E_INVALIDARG if the format in pFormat is not TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME.
TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME is the only time format currently supported.
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