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CSystemClock Class
The CSystemClock class implements a system clock that provides time information and timing signals to an application. It uses the CBaseReferenceClock base class to provide most of that functionality, adding persistence.
CSystemClock implements the IPersist interface. For more implementation information, see "OLE Programmers Reference (Vol. 1): Structured Storage Overview."
Member Functions
Name Description CreateInstance Creates an instance of a system clock. CSystemClock Constructs a CSystemClock object. Implemented IPersist Methods
Name Description GetClassID Returns the class identifier for this clock (CLSID_SystemClock). Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods
Name Description NonDelegatingQueryInterface Passes out pointers to IID_IPersist, and calls the base clock for other interface queries. CSystemClock Class
CSystemClock::CreateInstanceCreates a new instance when placed in the factory template table.
static CUnknown * WINAPI CreateInstance(
- pUnk
- Pointer to LPUNKNOWN.
- phr
- Pointer to an HRESULT value in which to return resulting information.
Return Values
Returns a pointer to a new Component Object Model (COM) object.
This member function is required to create objects using the class factory. It calls the class constructor.
The phr parameter will be modified only if a failure occurs. If it is a failure code on input, construction can be terminated, but in any case the destructor will be called by the creator when the HRESULT error is detected.
CSystemClock Class
CSystemClock::CSystemClockConstructs a CSystemClock object.
TCHAR *pName,
- pName
- Name of this object (used for debugging only).
- pUnk
- Pointer to the controlling IUnknown interface.
- phr
- Pointer to the HRESULT value that will be set if an error occurs.
Return Values
No return value.
If phr points to something other than S_OK upon entry, the object will not be constructed. If an error occurs during construction, this variable will be set; otherwise, its contents will not be altered.
CSystemClock Class
CSystemClock::GetClassIDRetrieves the class identifier for this clock.
- pClsID
- Pointer to a CLSID structure which is filled with CLSID_SystemClock.
Return Values
Returns an HRESULT value.
CSystemClock Class
CSystemClock::NonDelegatingQueryInterfaceReturns an interface and increments the reference count.
HRESULT NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
void ** ppv
- riid
- Reference identifier.
- ppv
- Pointer to the interface.
Return Values
Returns E_POINTER if ppv is invalid. Returns NOERROR if the query is successful or E_NOINTERFACE if it is not.
This member function implements the INonDelegatingUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface method and passes out references to the IReferenceClock, IPersist, and IUnknown interfaces.
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