DirectShow Animated Header -- CPosPassThru Helper Function DirectShow Animated Header -- CPosPassThru Helper Function* Microsoft DirectShow SDK
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CPosPassThru Helper Function

The CPosPassThru helper function creates a plug-in distributor (a CPosPassThru COM object) that supports IMediaSeeking and IMediaPosition.
Function Description
CreatePosPassThru Creates a CPosPassThru COM object.


CPosPassThru Helper Function

Creates a COM object that supports IMediaSeeking and IMediaPosition for single-input pin renderers and transform filters.

STDAPI CreatePosPassThru(
  BOOL bRenderer,
  IPin *pPin,
  IUnknown **ppPassThru

NULL if the object is not being created as part of an aggregate; otherwise, a pointer to the aggregate object's IUnknown interface (the controlling IUnknown).
TRUE if the filter supports rendering; otherwise, FALSE.
Pointer to the filter's input pin.
ISeekingPassThru interface.
Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns an HRESULT indicating the error.


You can use this function to create a CPosPassThru object in Quartz.dll rather than from your own .dll file. The CLSID of the object is CLSID_SeekingPassThru.

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