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Media Types
Microsoft® DirectShow uses the AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure to describe media samples. This structure includes GUID fields for major type, subtype, and format type, as well as fields specifying other sample features, such as whether the samples are compressed. This article summarizes the major type and subtype options registered by DirectShow. These media types are defined in Uuids.h.
- Media Types with No Subtype
- Audio Media Types
- Line21 Media Types
- MPEG2 Media Types
- Stream Media Types
- Video Media Types
- Analog Video Media Types
Media Types with No Subtype
The following table describes the media types with no subtype.
MEDIATYPEs with no MEDIASUBTYPEs MEDIATYPE_AnalogAudio Analog audio connection MEDIATYPE_File Media type is a file, used closed captions. MEDIATYPE_Interleaved Data is interleaved, used by Digital Video (DV). MEDIATYPE_Midi Data is MIDI format. MEDIATYPE_ScriptCommand Data is a script command, used by closed captions. MEDIATYPE_Text Data is text. MEDIATYPE_Timecode Data is timecode data. Audio Media Types
The wFormatTag field in the WAVEFORMATEX structure specifies the audio format type. The format type is generally FORMAT_WaveFormatEx. Media samples are generally whole number of samples as specified in the wBitsPerSample field in the WAVEFORMATEX structure. This is not necessarily true for MPEG audio samples that can come from packetized streams and are therefore not necessarily packaged on sample / frame boundaries. For MPEG audio the time stamp in a media sample is the time stamp for the first frame whose first byte is contained in the media sample.
Media subtypes are defined for each wFormatTag as follows:
- The Data1 subfield of the Media Subtype is the same as the wFormatTag value.
- The Data 2 field is 0.
- The Data 3 field is 0x0010.
- The Data 4 field is 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9B, 0x71.
Thus, for PCM audio the subtype GUID would be:
{00000001-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}Older filters may still use GUID_NULL as the subtype so this should be checked for. However, registration of a filter with the explicit subtype greatly improves the speed of graph loading, especially when the given filter is not required. The CreateAudioMediaType function supplied in the DirectShow SDK can be used to create an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure from a WAVEFORMATEX Structure.
The following table describes the audio media subtypes.
MEDIATYPE_Audio Data is audio MEDIASUBTYPE_PCMAudio PCM audio MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Packet MPEG1 Audio packet MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Payload MPEG1 Audio Payload Line21 Media Types
The following table describes the Line21 closed captioning media subtypes.
MEDIATYPE_AUXLine21Data Data is Line21 type, used by closed captions MEDIASUBTYPE_Line21_BytePair Line21 data as byte pairs MEDIASUBTYPE_Line21_GOPPacket Line21 data in DVD GOP Packet MEDIASUBTYPE_Line21_VBIRawData Line21 data in raw VBI format MPEG2 Media Types
The following table describes the MPEG2 media subtypes.
Time stamps are byte positions * 10000000 (notionally 1 byte per second) rather than real times.
The following table describes the stream media subtypes.
MEDIATYPE_Stream Data is a non-timestamped byte stream MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi Data from AVI file MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE Data from WAV file MEDIASUBTYPE_AU Data from AU file MEDIASUBTYPE_AIFF Data from AIFF file MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Video MPEG video MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1System MPEG system MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1VideoCD MPEG video CD MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Audio MPEG audio MEDIASUBTYPE_DssVideo Dss Video MEDIASUBTYPE_DssAudio Dss Audio Video Media Types
The following table describes the video media subtypes.
MEDIATYPE_Video Data is video MEDIASUBTYPE_YVU9 Standard YVU9 format uncompressed data. A planar YUV format. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; a Y sample on every vertical line, a U and V sample at every fourth vertical line. 9 bits per pixel. MEDIASUBTYPE_Y411 YUV 411 format data. Same as Y41P. MEDIASUBTYPE_Y41P Y41P format data. A packed YUV format. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled. Byte ordering (lowest first) is U0, Y0, V0, Y1, U4, Y2, V4, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 12-byte block is 8 image pixels. MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2 YUY2 format data. Same as UYVY but with different pixel ordering. Byte ordering (lowest first) is Y0, U0, Y1, V0, Y2, U2, Y3, V2, Y4, U4, Y5, V4, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 2 image pixels. MEDIASUBTYPE_YVYU YVYU format data. A packed YUV format. Same as UYVY but with different pixel ordering. Byte ordering (lowest first) is Y0, V0, Y1, U0, Y2, V2, Y3, U2, Y4, V4, Y5, U4, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 2 image pixels. MEDIASUBTYPE_UYVY UYVY format data. A packed YUV format. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every second pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled. Probably the most popular of the various YUV 4:2:2 formats. Byte ordering (lowest first) is U0, Y0, V0, Y1, U2, Y2, V2, Y3, U4, Y4, V4, Y5, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 2 image pixels. MEDIASUBTYPE_Y211 YUV 211 format data. A packed YUV format. A Y sample at every second pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled. Byte ordering (lowest first) is Y0, U0, Y2, V0, Y4, U4, Y6, V4, Y8, U8, Y10, V8, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 4 image pixels. MEDIASUBTYPE_CLJR Cirrus Logic Jr YUV 411 format with less than 8 bits per Y, U, and V sample. Cinepak can produce it and Cirrus 5440 can produce an overlay with it. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled. MEDIASUBTYPE_IF09 Indeo produced YVU9 format with additional information about differences from the last frame. 9.5 bits per pixel but reported as 9. MEDIASUBTYPE_CPLA Cinepak UYVY format. MEDIASUBTYPE_MJPG Motion JPEG (MJPG) compressed video. MEDIASUBTYPE_TVMJ TrueVision MJPG format. MEDIASUBTYPE_WAKE MJPG format produced by some cards. MEDIASUBTYPE_CFCC MJPG format produced by some cards. MEDIASUBTYPE_IJPG Intergraph JPEG format. MEDIASUBTYPE_Plum Plum MJPG format. MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB1 RGB 1 bit per pixel. Palettized. MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB4 RGB 4 bits per pixel. Palettized. MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8 RGB 8 bits per pixel. Palettized. MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565 565 format of RGB, 16 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples. MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555 555 format of RGB, 16 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples. MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 RGB 24 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples. MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32 RGB 32 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples. MEDIASUBTYPE_Overlay Video delivered using hardware overlay. MEDIASUBTYPE_QTMovie QT Specific compressions. MEDIASUBTYPE_QTRpza QT RPZA compressed data. MEDIASUBTYPE_QTSmc QT SMC compressed data. MEDIASUBTYPE_QTRle QT RLE compressed data. MEDIASUBTYPE_QTJpeg QT JPEG compressed data. MEDIASUBTYPE_dvsd Standard DV format. MEDIASUBTYPE_dvhd High Definition DV format. MEDIASUBTYPE_dvsl Long Play DV format. MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Packet MPEG1 Video Packet. MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Payload MPEG1 Video Payload. MEDIASUBTYPE_VideoPort Data is video port data, used with DVD. Analog Video Media Types
The following analog video formats were introduced in ActiveMovie 1.0 but are currently not used. Instead, the IAMAnalogVideoDecoder, IAMAnalogVideoEncoder and IAMTVTuner interfaces use an enumeration called AnalogVideoStandard defined in Axextend.idl.
The following table describes the analog video media subtypes.
MEDIATYPE_AnalogVideo Data is various formats of analog video, including standard NTSC, PAL, and SECAM formats. MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_NTSC_M MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_PAL_B MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_PAL_D MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_PAL_G MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_PAL_H MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_PAL_I MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_PAL_M MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_PAL_N MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_SECAM_B MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_SECAM_D MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_SECAM_G MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_SECAM_H MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_SECAM_K MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_SECAM_K1 MEDIASUBTYPE_AnalogVideo_SECAM_L © 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.