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edit decision list
Also known as an EDL. It is a list of items called events that describes a video sequence, audio sequence, or both, using SMPTE timecode to identify the video and audio source material. A sample event might look like this:

001 ABC123 V C 03:01:00:00 03:02:20:15 01:00:00:00 01:01:20:15

This means event 001 uses only video from reel ABC123, frames 03:01:00:00 up to but not including 03:02:20:15, and put it on a record tape as a straight cut starting at frame 01:00:00:00.

effect filter
A filter that applies an effect to media data, but doesn't change the media type.
end-of-stream protocol
A protocol that defines how filters generate and process end-of-stream information and how the filter graph manager is notified.
error detection and reporting protocol
A protocol that defines how errors are handled by filters and propagated to the filter graph manager.
event notification
A system-defined event sent from a filter to the filter graph manager. Filters pass these events to the filter graph manager by using the IMediaEventSink::Notify method, and the application retrieves them with the IMediaEvent::GetEvent method. For more information, see Event Notification Codes.

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