The Notification Object upon Puzzle Events
This object accepts a user event, and if it's a legal move
(cell that is adjacent to the empty location), then the cell
is transitioned and success sound is emitted, else illegal move
sound is emitted. |
class ImagePicker extends Statics implements UntilNotifier {
public ImagePicker(int row,
int col,
DXMEvent ev,
PuzzleLogic puzz) {
_row = row;
_col = col;
_ev = ev;
_puzz = puzz;
invoked through the untilNotify construct |
public Behavior notify(Object eventData,
Behavior currentRunningBvr,
BvrsToRun lst) {
Behavior xf = currentRunningBvr;
int r = _puzz._emptyRow;
int c = _puzz._emptyCol;
check to see if this is a legal move |
if (((Math.abs(_row - r) == 1) && _col == c) ||
((Math.abs(_col - c) == 1) && _row == r)) {
find cell positions before and after the move |
Point2Bvr start = point2(toBvr(_col * _puzz._inc),
toBvr(_row * _puzz._inc));
Point2Bvr finish = point2(toBvr(c * _puzz._inc),
toBvr(r * _puzz._inc));
Build up a transform to move from orig to final in 0.5 second |
double transitionTime = 0.5;
the vector from start to finish |
Vector2Bvr delta = sub(finish, start);
pos begins at start and transitions to finish in transitionTime seconds |
Point2Bvr pos = add(start, delta.mul(div(localTime, toBvr(transitionTime))));
extract a translation from moving position |
Transform2Bvr movingXf = translate(sub(pos, origin2));
Use this transform, and after the elapsed time freeze
in place using a snapshot event. |
xf = untilEx(movingXf,
an alternative is: ,translate(finish.getX(), finish.getY())); |
Set the new location of the empty cell |
_puzz._emptyCol = _col;
_puzz._emptyRow = _row;
Set what position this cell is at now |
_col = c;
_row = r;
} else {
Return this new transform, waiting again for the pick event. |
return untilNotify(xf, _ev, this);
int _row;
int _col;
DXMEvent _ev;
PuzzleLogic _puzz;
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