Load the Images and Specify the Labels
set the URL bases for importing the media |
URL mediaBase = getImportBase();
URL imgBase = buildURL(mediaBase,"image/");
URL sndBase = buildURL(mediaBase,"sound/");
URL geoBase = buildURL(mediaBase,"geometry/");
a [-1, 1] square in X and Y with [0, 1] texture coordinates for
both of its faces. |
GeometryBvr square =
importGeometry(buildURL(geoBase, "square.x"));
import a list of images, some of these images could have been .gif images |
ImageBvr pics[] = {
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "phantom.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "hiddenBeachSS.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "hiddenBeachSG.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "jotunheimen1.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "redWoodCar.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "wenatcheeCascades.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "tulipsHol1.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "tulipsHol2.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "yosemiteCreek.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "kidsUtah.jpg")),
importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "foliageUtah.jpg"))};
construct a corresponding array of behaviors |
ArrayBvr pictures = new ArrayBvr(pics);
ditto for corresponding labels |
StringBvr lbls[] = {
toBvr("Phantom Is., Crater Lk., Oregon"),
toBvr("Hidden Beach, Klamath, California"),
toBvr("Hidden Beach, Klamath, California"),
toBvr("Jotenheimen, Norway"),
toBvr("Redwoods N.P., California"),
toBvr("Wenatchee, Cascades, Washington"),
toBvr("Tulip Garden, Holland"),
toBvr("Tulip Garden, Holland"),
toBvr("Yosemite, California"),
toBvr("Centerville, Utah"),
toBvr("Bountiful, Utah")};
ArrayBvr lables = new ArrayBvr(lbls);
Construct a NumberBvr counter object, and use it as an interactive
index to select a picture and a corresponding lable. |
NumberBvr numPics = lables.length();
NumberBvr index = (NumberBvr) (new Counter(numPics)).getBvr().runOnce();
ImageBvr picture = (ImageBvr) pictures.nth(index);
StringBvr lable = (StringBvr) lables.nth(index);
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