Extended Applet
This applet illustrates the construction of a DxM model including:
1) importing an image and a sound
2) using the height and width of the applet for scaling the image to fit
3) animating the image and looping the sound
4) setting the resulting image and sound to be presented
5) constructing a DxM applet including the proper steps for initialization
import com.ms.dxmedia.*; direct animation libraries
import java.awt.*; for getting the applet dimension
import java.net.*; for URLs
This class extends the DXMApplet class. The model you set in this class,
by calling the setModel() method, is the model that will be displayed. |
public class ExtendedApplet extends DXMApplet {
The start() and stop() methods of DXMApplet restart and stop the
DirectX Media animation loop already, so you don't need to implement
these methods if you don't have other activities you need to stop and
restart. |
Set the model in the init() method. |
public void init() {
Always call the super classes init first to ensure codeBase is set. |
super.init() ;
setModel(new ExtendedModel(this));
This class extends the Model class. The createModel method in this class
is where you construct your animation. This example will make use of
two of the primary media types supported by DirectAnimation: image and sound. |
class ExtendedModel extends Model {
Get the size of the applet in the constructor, and store it in the
member variables. |
ExtendedModel(DXMApplet dxma) {
Get the size of the applet. |
Dimension dim = dxma.getSize();
The base unit of measure for DirectAnimation is the meter.
Convert the size into meters by multiplying it with the pixelBvr. |
_halfWidthNum = mul(toBvr(dim.width*0.5),pixelBvr);
_halfHeightNum = mul(toBvr(dim.height*0.5),pixelBvr);
Notice the use of the toBvr() call. This helper function is used
extensively in DirectAnimation to convert Java primitive data types to
DxM behaviors. As you learn more about the system you will begin to appreciate the
appreciate the power of behaviors, which can be time-varying values. |
Create the animation in the createModel method. |
public void createModel(BvrsToRun blist)
Build up a URL to import relative to. |
URL mediaBase = getImportBase();
URL imgBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "image/");
URL sndBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "sound/");
Create an image behavior by importing a bitmap. |
ImageBvr img = importImage(buildURL(imgBase, "phantom.jpg"));
Create a sound behavior by importing a wave file. |
SoundBvr snd = importSound(buildURL(sndBase, "earth.mp2"), null);
Find the length of the diagonal of the imported image, we'll use
it later to scale the image to fit in the viewport.
halfDiagonalNum = sqrt(xNum * xNum + yNum * yNum); |
Point2Bvr maxPt2 = img.boundingBox().getMax();
NumberBvr xNum = maxPt2.getX();
NumberBvr yNum = maxPt2.getY();
NumberBvr halfDiagonalNum = sqrt(add(mul(xNum, xNum), mul(yNum, yNum)));
Find the smaller of the width and height. |
NumberBvr minHalfExtNum = (NumberBvr)cond(lt(_halfWidthNum, _halfHeightNum),
_halfWidthNum, _halfHeightNum);
Create an image that fits in the viewport. |
ImageBvr scaledImg = img.transform(scale2(div(minHalfExtNum,
ImageBvr rotatingImg = scaledImg.transform(rotate(localTime));
Set the image that actually gets displayed using setImage() |
setImage(overlay(rotatingImg, solidColorImage(black)));
Create a sound that loops continuously. |
SoundBvr loopingSnd = snd.loop();
And set the sound that gets played using setSound() |
private NumberBvr _halfWidthNum, _halfHeightNum;
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