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Using AFC Scrollbars

This sample shows how to use DirectAnimation with the Applet Foundation
Classes (AFC). The scrollbar is created by using AFC's UIScrollBar class.
The speed of the rotation of the geometry is mapped to the position of the
scrollbar in DirectAnimation.

It illustrates the following:
- using DirectAnimation along with AFC.
- creating a scrollbar in AFC.
- The use of ModifiableBehaviors.

import*; All DirectAnimation classes
The AFC classes
import java.awt.*;
The event handle classes
The Java URL classes

public class AFCScroll extends AwtUIApplet {
public void init() {
setLayout(new UIBorderLayout());

Use AFC's AwtUIApplet to construct the applet.
UIPanel ctrls = new AFCControls();

Get the AFC (scrollbar) part of the Applet.
Canvas cv = new DXMImage();

Get the DirectAnimation part of the Applet.

Position both parts.
cv.setSize(getSize().width - 15,getSize().height - 15);


The resize the DirectAnimation part, otherwise it will take over the entire viewport.
class AFCControls extends UIPanel {

The scrollbar gets created in the AFCControls Class.
AFCControls() {
setLayout(new UIGridLayout(1, 1));
_speedBar = new UIScrollBar(0, 0, 30, 3, 1, 15);

Create the scrollbar using AFC's UIScrollBar class.
public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
switch ( {
case Event.SCROLL_LINE_UP:
case Event.SCROLL_PAGE_UP:

Handle relevant events when the user interacts with the scrollbar.
return true;
return false;
UIScrollBar _speedBar;

class DXMImage extends DXMCanvas {
DXMImage() {
setModel(new ImageModel());

The position of the scrollbar sent to the setSpeed() of the ImageModel class.
class ImageModel extends Model {
public void createModel(BvrsToRun bvrs) {

In the ImageModel class the createModel method is where you construct your animation.
URL mediaBase = getImportBase();
URL geoBase = buildURL(mediaBase, "geometry/");
GeometryBvr geo = importGeometry(buildURL(geoBase, "cube.x"));

Import the cube.
_speed = new ModifiableBehavior(toBvr(4));

NumberBvr spinYRate = (NumberBvr)_speed.getBvr();
NumberBvr spinZRate = mul(spinYRate, toBvr(1.3));
geo = geo.transform(compose(rotate(yVector3, integral(spinYRate)),
rotate(zVector3, integral(spinZRate))));

Create a ModifiableBehavior (_speed) which will be linked to the position of the scrollbar. This behavior will then be used to set the speed of rotation for the cube.
CameraBvr cam = perspectiveCamera(toBvr(5), toBvr(2));

Create a camera to view the cube.
setImage(overlay(union(geo, directionalLight).render(cam)

Display the cube on a blue background.
static void setSpeed(int speed) {

static ModifiableBehavior _speed;

This method is used in the AFCControls class to change _speed.
That's all there is to it. Happy animating...

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