Changing the Color of the Sphere
Here in the VBScript class, you see the R,G, and B data members. The
updateColor method just passes the data along to the VBScriptModel model
class, where it will be used to change the color of the sphere. |
public class VBScript extends DXMApplet {
private VBScriptModel _Model;
VBScript() {
_Model = new VBScriptModel();
Public method accessable to VBScript subroutines in Using_VBScript.html |
public void updateColor() {
Public method accessable to VBScript subroutines in Using_VBScript.html |
public double R,G,B;
The VBScript class accesses this method to update the color of the sphere.
This is done by switching sphereClrSw to a color based on the R,G, and B
values obtained from the scrollbars. |
public void updateColor(double R, double G, double B) {
ColorBvr newClr = colorRgb(toBvr(R),toBvr(G),toBvr(B));
Set up a simple model consisting of a sphere whose color can be switched
upon notification. |
class VBScriptModel extends Model {
public void createModel(BvrsToRun blist)
URL geoBase = buildURL(getImportBase(), "../../../../../Media/geometry/");
Create the sphere's initial color. |
ColorBvr initClr = colorRgb(1,1,1);
Create a switcher behavior that will change whenever the scrollbars
update the color. |
sphereClrSw = new ModifiableBehavior(initClr);
Create a sphere and apply sphereClrSw's behavior to it |
GeometryBvr sphereGeo =
GeometryBvr coloredSphereGeo =
Create a camera and light to render sphere. |
CameraBvr Cam =
translate(0,0,50) );
GeometryBvr lightGeo =
Display the color changing sphere. |
union(coloredSphereGeo, lightGeo).render(Cam),
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