IExchExt : IUnknown

Microsoft Exchange uses the IExchExt interface to load extension objects in all contexts. Most extension objects are designed to operate only within a particular context or set of contexts, but some can operate in all contexts.

Quick Info

Header file: EXCHEXT.H
Exposed by: Extension objects
Implemented by: Extension objects
Called by: Microsoft Exchange
Corresponding pointer type: LPEXCHEXT

Vtable Order

Install Enables an extension object to determine the context into which it is being loaded, along with information about that context.

Note Custom form developers are responsible for supporting extension objects in their custom forms. That is, replacement IPM.Note forms and other custom forms supplied by form developers might choose to load extension objects and call them the same way that Microsoft Exchange does with its native forms. In this documentation, all references to forms refer to the standard forms supplied by Microsoft Exchange, such as the standard IPM.Note.