Replaces or enhances the behavior of Microsoft Exchange when opening an attachment from a temporary file.
See IExchExtAttachedFileEvents : IUnknown.
LPTSTR lpszFile,
ULONG ulFlags
Microsoft Exchange calls the IExchExtAttachedFileEvents::OnOpenSzFile method when it is about to open an attachment, but was not able to open it directly from the data in the attachment in the message. When this occurs, the attachment data is written to an intermediate file. Microsoft Exchange attempts to find an application that is registered to handle the attached file's class. If it finds it, the application is started and prompted to open the attachment.
If an error occurs, OnOpenSzFile should display an error message and return an error. Microsoft Exchange will not continue to try and open the attachment, nor will it display an error message, but will stop the user action that requested the attachment be opened.