
Replaces or enhances the behavior of Microsoft Exchange when reading information from a message.

Quick Info

See IExchExtMessageEvents : IUnknown.



[in] Pointer to the IExchExtCallback interface. The lpeecb parameter is used to determine information about the message being read and the window whose controls are to be populated.

Return Values

The extension object replaced Microsoft Exchange behavior and populated the window used to display the message. Microsoft Exchange will consider the task handled.
The extension object did nothing or added additional behavior. Microsoft Exchange will continue to call extension objects or complete the work itself.


Microsoft Exchange calls the IExchExtMessageEvents::OnRead method when it is about to read the properties of a message so that they can be displayed to the user in a standard form. If an error occurs, OnRead should display an error message and return an error. Microsoft Exchange will not continue to read the message, nor will it display an error message, but will stop the user action that caused the read operation to occur.

This method should call the IExchExtCallback::GetObject method to determine the message identifier of the item being read and its container. The container is usually a folder, but it can also be a message or an information store.

See Also

IExchExtCallback::GetObject, IExchExtMessageEvents : IUnknown