
Notifies an extension object when the search criteria dialog box is closed.

Quick Info

See IExchExtAdvancedCriteria : IUnknown.

VOID UninstallAdvancedCriteria()


Microsoft Exchange calls the IExchExtAdvancedCriteria::UninstallAdvancedCriteria method when the search criteria dialog box is closed. The effect of this method is similar to what is expected during the IExchExtMessageEvents::OnReadComplete, OnWriteComplete, OnSubmitComplete, and OnCheckNamesComplete methods. When UninstallAdvancedCriteria is invoked, the extension object can release interfaces previously claimed with the AddRef method and release any other resources used while the criteria dialog box was displayed.

The extension object can discard any state information it is maintaining, such as memory allocations and the current state of the dialog box. The extension should not free any memory returned by the IExchExtAdvancedCriteria::QueryRestriction method.