Proxy Generation DLL Entry Points

The proxy generation DLL must provide the following entry points.

Proxy Address Generation Functions (from Microsoft Exchange Server SDK)

Function Action When called
RcInitProxies Initializes a new proxy address generation session. Before recipient objects or address types are created
RcGenerateProxy Generates a user-level proxy address as a Unicode string. As a recipient object is created, or as an address type is installed or updated for all recipients
RcValidateProxy Validates that a proxy address string is a valid address in the foreign system. As a proxy address is manually edited
RcUpdateProxy Updates the site proxy portion of a proxy address. As a proxy address is updated
RcValidateSiteProxy Validates that a site proxy address string is a valid address in the foreign system. As a site proxy address is manually edited
FreeProxy Frees memory allocated for a proxy address string. When generation of proxy addresses is complete
CloseProxies Closes a proxy address generation session and frees any associated data. As creation of recipient object is complete

Because proxy address generation is handled by a DLL, it is not portable to different platforms. If you are running Microsoft Exchange Server on multiple platforms, such as Intel and DEC-Alpha, you will have to compile your proxy generation DLL separately on each platform and install the appropriate version on at least one server of each type of platform at a site. Each server must have the proxy generation DLL available to it because proxy addresses are only generated when a recipient object is created on a server or when the DLL is installed. When information about the new address type is replicated to the other servers at the site, those servers will locate and copy the DLL to themselves and perform the normal proxy address generation.