Existing Default Object Attributes

The following attributes are created by default when you call BatchImport or DAPIWrite to create a directory object. Subject to the notes in the right column, attributes in the left column are created on objects of classes listed in the center column. No values are set by default if the DAPI_RAW_MODE is set. These default settings are made only when creating objects, not modifying them.

Default Object Attributes

Attribute Name Object Classes Notes
Assoc-NT-Account Mailbox Windows NT Server account with same name in session-default security domain is designated as the primary account for the mailbox. The same account is given user privilege. Also see Generating Default Values.
Container-Info Container Set to 0x80000001, designating the container as a recipients container.
Deliv-Ext-Cont-Types All recipient-class objects Set to the value MH_CTO_MDBEF.
Admin-Display-Name Container (all classes) Set to Display-Name, if defined for object, or Common-Name, if not defined for object.
Display-Name All recipient-class objects Constructed using the rules described in Generating Default Values.
Maintain-AutoReply-History All recipient-class objects Set to TRUE if AutoReply has been specified.
Replication-Sensitivity All recipient-class objects Set to 20.
Mail-Nickname All recipient-class objects See Generating Default Values.
MAPI-Recipient Mailboxes and Remote-Address objects Set to TRUE.
MDB-Use-Defaults Mailbox Set to TRUE.
Delivery-Mechanism Mailbox Set to Zero.
Report-To-Originator DL Set to TRUE.
Report-To-Owner DL Set to FALSE.