Configuring Command-Line Options

For automation, compatibility, and ease of use, configure the source extractor to support the following command-line options:

If the operating system of the source extractor does not support command-line options, you can design the source extractor to find batch control and accounts files with default names.

The batch control file has one required variable: the accounts file. Some optional variables are detailed in the following table. Depending on your existing system, some of these variables may be required, and others will be useful.


Suggested default value
Accounts (Required) Path and file name of the accounts file.
File Path and file name of the packing list file to be created.
Mailbox Mailbox creation information. TRUE
Email Private messages from the accounts. TRUE
Remote Custom recipient information. FALSE
Public Public messages and bulletin board information, if supported. TRUE
PAB Personal address book (PAB) entries and distribution lists. TRUE
Schedule Schedule and appointment data. TRUE
EmailStart Earliest date to retrieve messages. Migration file date/time format. Required if using EmailEnd.
EmailEnd End date to retrieve messages. Migration file date/time format. Required if using EmailStart.
SchedStart Earliest date to retrieve appointments. Migration file date/time format. Required if using SchedEnd.
SchedEnd End date to retrieve appointments. Migration file date/time format. Required if using SchedStart.

The order of variables in the batch control file is not important. Mailbox and Remote are mutually exclusive. Each variable has its own line, followed by a comma and the value for that variable. Each line ends in a line feed and carriage return. The following examples illustrate the correct format.

The accounts file in the preceding example specifies the mailboxes or accounts from which to copy data. It is useful when running in batch mode or when migrating many users. The accounts are listed by their source addresses or by a unique identifier. Each accounts file should contain accounts from only one system, postoffice, or server. The following example illustrates the correct format:

Stephanie Bourne
Karl Buhl
Paul Canniff