About the Organization Forms Library
In MAPI, a form library is a storage area where you can install and access forms. Microsoft Exchange Server provides a special form library called the organization forms library, which has the following characteristics:
It resides in the public information store as a hidden public folder and is replicated throughout the organization to facilitate access to forms. This library is a single folder stored on an organization's central messaging servers. It contains forms that are available to all users within the organization. This single-folder storage makes organization-wide form management possible. For example, to enhance the availability of forms throughout an organization, the organization library can be easily replicated across multiple servers simply by copying one folder.
It contains only folder-associated information; there are no user-visible messages or folders in it. Usually one organization library is associated with each server-based information store.
It is partitioned into at least two classes of entries: those that are displayed in the library browser for sending person-to-person, and those that are shared link targets of entries in folder libraries or are old forms that should be available for reading but not sending.
It is specific to organizations using Microsoft Exchange Server. Organizations where MAPI is used, but Microsoft Exchange Server is not, will not have an organization forms library unless the custom forms manager that is being used supports one.