
The BatchImport function imports directory service objects from a text file in a single function call.

Quick Info

Header file: DAPI.H
Library: DAPI.LIB
Unicode: Yes

DWORD BatchImport(
  LPBIMPORT_PARMS lpBimportParms  


Input parameter. Points to a BIMPORT_PARMS structure that specifies the parameters for this function call.

Return Values

Indicates the number of entries logged into the Windows NT Application Event Log. This value does not indicate whether BatchImport completed successfully.


The BatchImport function uses the import file name specified in the BIMPORT_PARMS structure to import directory objects, but does not provide a high degree of control over the import operation.

The return value does not indicate whether BatchImport succeeded or failed. The return value specifies the number of errors encountered and logged in the Windows NT application event log. See the event log for information on the error.

For more information on this function, see Using Directory Access Functions.

See Also
