
The NWExport function exports user information from a Novell NetWare server in a form that can later be imported into the Microsoft Exchange Server directory.

Quick Info

Header file: DAPI.H
Library: DAPI.LIB
Unicode: Yes



Input parameter. Points to a NWEXPORT_PARMS structure.

Return Values

The return value indicates the number of errors encountered and logged in the Windows NT Server application event log. See the event log for more information on the nature of the error itself.

If an error is generated during the initialization part of this function's activities, the error indicates failure; after initialization, this return value does not indicate success or failure of the function. The user interface and the logging of errors and warnings into the application event log are controlled through import parameters.


The NWExport function can be used only on a Windows NT Server computer.

For more information on this function, see Using Directory Access Functions.

See Also