
The file-based batch processing functions of the directory functions invoke a callback function based on the UpdateProgressProc prototype that is called after the processing of each batch item.

Quick Info

Header file: DAPI.H
Library: DAPI.LIB

BOOL (* UpdateProgressProc)(
  LPVOID lpvAppDefined  


Points to an application-defined parameter.

Return Values

Return FALSE if the user cancels the operation; return TRUE otherwise.


Directory access functions can sometimes take a lot of time to execute because they are performing actions on dozens or thousands of items. During this execution time, the calling application can display the progress of the operation in a number of ways. The default progress display is a modeless dialog box that can be overridden by the calling application. The application can use the CALLBACKPROGRESS structure and the functions based on the definitions InitProgressProc, UpdateProgressProc, and EndProgressProc to display its own progress indicator.

The NTExport function is called for each Windows NT user processed, the BatchExport function is called for each object read from the directory, and the BatchImport function is called for each line processed in the import file.

For more information on this function, see Using Directory Access Functions.

See Also

CALLBACKPROGRESS, EndProgressProc, InitProgressProc, ResetProgressProc, UpdateProgressTextProc