raw mode
An import mode or display mode where lines are expressed literally. No properties are inherited or constructed. Aliases for property and class names are not recognized.
See relative distinguished name (RDN).
An object in the directory that can receive messages and information. Microsoft Exchange Server recipients are mailboxes, distribution lists (DLs), public folders, and custom recipients.
relative distinguished name (RDN)
The name of an object within its current level in the directory hierarchy. For example, from its own mailbox, “v-rossl” is the RDN of the v-rossl mailbox object, while its distinguished name (DN) might be O=Trager /CN=Boston /CN=recipients /CN=v-rossl.
remote access service (RAS)
The Windows NT Server capability that lets users at remote locations work as if connected directly to a computer network, accessing one or more RAS servers.
remote address
The address for a recipient in the format of the mail system used by that individual.
remote procedure call (RPC)
A message-passing facility that is independent of the underlying network and allows a distributed application to call services available on various computers in a network. Microsoft Exchange Server uses RPC for client-server communications.
See directory replication.
The conversion of a message-class name into a class identifier to locate the code that handles the message class.
The rules that control access that are associated with the system as a whole and that can be granted to local groups, global groups, and individual users. Rules that control access and are associated with individual objects are called permissions.
A predetermined set of permissions that defines the access of a user or group to an object. Microsoft Exchange Server provides several default roles for directory access. Administrators can define custom roles to suit the needs of the site or organization.
routing table
A table that defines how information should be routed between message transfer agents (MTAs) in an organization.
See remote procedure call (RPC).
An information store is known as RTF-aware if it keeps the body and the RTF text of a message synchronized. The server-based information store and the offline folder store (OST) are RTF-aware. The personal folder store (PST) is not RTF-aware. See also About Information Store Client and Server Components.
A feature of Microsoft Exchange Server that filters incoming mail and takes specified actions, such as moving it to a particular folder, forwarding it to another user, or deleting certain types of information. Also refers to administrative policies associated with the system as a whole or with individual objects such as public folders or mailboxes. See also permission, rights.
rule table
A table with each position defined that contains all the rules applied to a folder.