Windows Messaging System (WMS)
The MAPI subsystem that is part of the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system.
Windows NT Performance Monitor
A utility that enables you to look at resource use for specific components and application processes using charts and reports. The Performance Monitor can also be used to gauge your computer's efficiency, identify and troubleshoot possible problems (such as unbalanced resource use, insufficient hardware, or poor program design), and plan for additional hardware needs.
Windows NT Registry
The control mechanism for services of Windows NT Server. Each service is registered and from that time it is controlled by the service control manager.
Windows NT security descriptor
A security descriptor contains the security information associated with an object. This information can include elements such as an owner, a primary group, and a discretionary access-control list (DACL). This information is stored in the form of security identifiers (SIDs) and access-control lists (ACLs).
Windows NT Server security
The security functions of the Win32 application programming interface that allow an application to selectively grant or deny security to an object. The impact on most Windows functions is minimal, and a Windows-based application not requiring security functionality usually does not need to incorporate any special code. Generally, any application that manipulates a system-wide resource such as the system time must use the security system to gain access to that resource.