The delivery location for all incoming mail messages addressed to a designated owner. Information in a user’s mailbox is stored in the private information store on a Microsoft Exchange Server computer. A mailbox can contain received messages, message attachments, folders, and more.
The Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) is a medium-independent messaging architecture that enables multiple applications to interact with multiple systems across a variety of hardware platforms. As a client interface component, MAPI is the complete set of functions and object-oriented interfaces that forms the foundation for the MAPI subsystem’s client application and service provider interfaces.
In electronic mail, an object representing information being passed from the originator to the recipient(s). It can be a note composed by a user, computer-generated mail, or a diagnostic generated by the mail system. It usually has a textual body and can have file attachments and/or embedded OLE objects.
message class
The MAPI property (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS) that provides information about a message’s characteristics.
message transfer agent (MTA)
The mechanism that provides the addressing and routing information for sending messages and distributing information through the system. Each MTA is associated with an information store. The Microsoft Exchange Server MTA conforms to the 1988 X.400 specification.
message transfer envelope (MTE)
A MAPI message that holds the delivery information for a message. An MTE contains another MAPI message that represents the contents of a message. MTEs are only created in gateway folders. In contrast, regular user folders contain the message contents only.
Gateway message folder in the message database to hold messages to be submitted to Microsoft Exchange Server by the gateway. It is created as the gateway is installed.
A gateway message folder in the message database that holds messages coming into the gateway from Microsoft Exchange Server. It is created as the gateway is installed.