Creating a Rule

To create a rule, prepare its contents and insert the new rule in the rule table.

    To create a rule
  1. Retrieve an interface pointer to the rule object by calling HrFolderRulesOpen.
  2. Find the position in the rule table where you want to insert the rule. Use the rule object’s IExchangeFolderRules::HrSeek method to seek to the correct position.
  3. Call the HrStringToRestriction function to prepare the restriction (the conditions) for the new rule. This function returns a pointer to an SRestriction structure that contains the restriction.
  4. Call the HrStringToAction function to prepare and obtain a pointer to the ACTION structure for the new rule.
  5. Create the new rule by calling the IExchangeFolderRules::HrInsert method. This method inserts a new rule into the set of rules for the folder.

For an example of rule insertion, see the DoDelete function and the DoInsert function in the \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\RULEEDIT\RULEEDIT.CPP file.