The PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID property appears on delivery and nondelivery reports generated by gateways. It contains the X.400 message identifier of the original message to which the report refers.

Quick Info

Header file: EDKMDB.H
Applies to: Report objects (information store objects)
Identifier: 0x6663
Property type: PT_BINARY
Access: Read/write


If the original message is still available, the value for PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID should be copied from the original message's PR_MTS_ID property. If the original message is not available, a dummy value can be used for PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID as long as it is a null-terminated string with the following format:

c=[Country Code];a=[ADMD Name];p=[PRMD ID];l=[Local ID]

where [Country Code], [ADMD Name], [PRMD ID] and [Local ID] can be anything satisfying the syntax requirements for X.400 MTS IDs.

Note that X.400 country codes are either 2 or 3 characters long. This requirement is enforced by the information store.

Note also that the contents of PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID must be a null-terminated string, even though the property syntax is PT_BINARY. The property length must include the null-terminator.

The following is an example of a valid PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID string:

c=US;a= ;p=Microsoft;l=Anything