The EXCHINST.LIB library contains the following functions.

Function Purpose
CbMultiSz Gives a count of bytes in a REG_MULTI_SZ string, not including a terminating NULL
HrGetRegistryValue Obtains a Windows NT Registry value and allocates memory to hold it.
FCsvGetField Extracts the field requested if given a record, a field separator, and a field number.
FCsvGetRecord Fills the buffer with a single line read from the file if given a buffer, the buffer's length, and a file handle.
HrEDKExportObject Exports an object from a server.
HrEDKImportObject Imports an object into a server.
HrDeleteObject Deletes an object from a Microsoft Exchange Server
HrEDKObjectExists Checks if an object exists in the directory.
HrEDKEnumAttrib Enumerates the given attribute.
HrEDKEnumDNs Enumerates the DN(s).
HrEnumOrganizations Enumerates the organization name(s).
HrEnumSites Enumerates the site name(s).
HrEnumContainers Enumerates the container name(s).
HrInstallService Installs a service associated with a Microsoft Exchange Server object.
HrGetRegistryString Gets a string value from the registry.
HrGetServiceServerName Gets the Microsoft Exchange Server name associated with the service.
HrGetServiceSiteDN Gets the site DN of the Microsoft Exchange Server object associated with the service.
HrGetServiceCommonName Gets the common name of the Microsoft Exchange Server object associated with the service.
HrGetServiceObjectGUID Gets the object GUID associated with the service.
HrGetServiceProductGUID Gets the product GUID associated with the service.
HrGetServiceDisplayName Gets the display name associated with the service.
HrGetServiceExecutableName Gets the executable file name associated with the service.
HrGetServiceAccountName Gets the account name associated with the service.
HrRemoveService Removes a service.
HrNameContained Determines if the name is in the list.
HrEDKAddServiceToLinkage Adds service name to the export value in the key.
HrInstallServicePerfMon Installs service performance monitoring.
HrDeleteContainedKeysInternal Deletes keys recursively. Also passed in lpszwName for storage.
HrDeleteContainedKeys Enumerates the subkeys of a key and deletes them one by one recursively.
HrRemoveRegistry Removes the registry for the service.
HrRemoveName Removes the service name from the export list and signals if now empty.
HrRemoveServicePerfMon Removes service performance monitoring.
HrInstallGateway Installs a gateway into a given site.
HrRemoveGateway Removes a gateway from a given site.
HrGatewayExists Checks if a gateway exists on a given site.
HrInstallMailboxAgent Installs a mailbox agent into a given site.
HrRemoveMailboxAgent Removes a mailbox agent from a given site.
HrMailboxAgentExists Checks if a mailbox agent exists on a given site.
HrInstallAddressType Installs an Addr-Type object into a given site.
HrRemoveAddressType Removes an Addr-Type from a given site.
HrAddressTypeExists Checks if an Addr-Type exists on a given site.
HrGetAddressTypeVersion Gets the version of an Addr-Type object in a given site.
HrInstallAddressTemplate Installs an address template into a given site.
HrRemoveAddressTemplate Removes an address template from a given site.
HrAddressTemplateExists Checks if an address template exists on a given site.
HrInstallAdminExtension Installs an Administrator extension into a given site.
HrRemoveAdminExtension Removes an Administrator extension from a given site.
HrAdminExtensionExists Checks if an Administrator extension exists on a given site.
HrGetAdminExtensionVersion Returns the version of an Administrator extension in a given site.
HrInstallContainer Installs a container in the directory.
HrRemoveContainer Removes a container from the directory.
HrContainerExists Checks if a container exists in the directory.
Installs an address template container in the directory.
Removes an address template container from the directory.
Checks if an address template container exists in the directory.
HrAddDelGatewayProxy Adds or deletes a site proxy address for the given site.
HrInstallGatewayProxy Installs a site proxy address into a given site.
HrRemoveGatewayProxy Removes a site proxy address from a given site.
FHasAdminPrivs Returns TRUE if the current user is an administrator.
HrInstallMessageConverter Installs a message conversion DLL.
HrRemoveMessageConverter Deletes a message conversion DLL.
HrAdminProgramExists Checks if the Administrator program has been installed on the local computer.
HrSetGatewayBit Sets the gateway bit on a given server.