The ACLCLS.LIB library contains the following functions.
Function | Purpose |
HrFolderACLsOpen | Retrieves a pointer to an object which implements the IExchangeFolderACLs interface defined in ACLCLS.H. |
CFolderACLs::Create | Creates a new instance of the CFolderACLs object. Also take care of setting up the standard OLE dispatch object pointer for the new instance. |
CFolderACLs::HrGetTableEntry | Retrieves an IExchangeModifyTable ACL table entry using the entry identifier. This method is used to examine the table entries and determine if a requested action was completed. This check is necessary because IExchangeModifyTable code may reset permissions, add entries, etc. |
CFolderACLs::HrOpen | Opens the object on an ACLs folder. |
CFolderACLs::QueryInterface | Returns a pointer to the object that implements the desired interface (if this object supports the interface). |
CFolderACLs::AddRef- | Increments the reference count on this object. |
CSROWLST::HrInitialize | Initializes a CSROWLST. An SRowSet is stored in the CSROWLST. The SROWNODES are ordered according to the order they are found in the table. Upon completion of this method (either successful or unsuccessful), all storage associated with lpRows is reassigned to the CSROWLST or is deallocated. |
CSROWLST::HrDelete | Deletes the current record. |
SROWLST::HrInsert | Inserts a new CSROWNODE before the current record and advances the cursor. |
CSROWLST::HrRemove FromLst |
Removes the current record from the list and makes it available to the caller. The caller is responsible for deleting the record when it is no longer needed. |
CSROWLST::SetCursor | Standard C++ set member function that sets the current cursor position. |
SROWLST::HrWriteToTable | Writes the contents of the CSROWLST to the table. |