ACLEDIT Syntax and Parameters

    To run ACLEDIT

Type the following on the command line:

ACLEDIT /PROFILE=<profile name> /STORE=<name of store> /FOLDER=<full path name of folder> || /INBOX


/LIST [/POSITION=<ACL number>] ||

/INSERT /RIGHTS=<selection from permissions list> /USER=<user

display name> [/POSITION=<ACL number>] ||

/MODIFY /POSITION=<ACL number> /RIGHTS=<selection

from permissions list>] ||


Only a single command can be entered on a line.

ACLEDIT Parameters

Parameter Settings
/PROFILE= Specifies the MAPI profile name of the person or application running the ACLEDIT application. If the profile name contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. This parameter allows the ACLEDIT process to log on to MAPI and open the public folder store.
/FOLDER= Specifies the full path name of the folder. If the name of the folder contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Because a path to a nested folder is indicated with the use of backslash characters, a folder name that contains a backslash character is not valid for ACLEDIT. When accessing the public store, use IPM_SUBTREE to indicate the top for the public folders. For example:


/STORE= Specifies the name of the information store containing this folder. For example: /STORE="Public Folders"
/INBOX= Specifies the inbox associated with the named profile. The inbox must be Microsoft Exchange Server-based.
/LIST Lists the entire ACL associated with this mailbox or folder. Use the optional /POSITION parameter to list a single position within the list.
/COMMAND= Specifies the modification you want to perform: /INSERT, /MODIFY, /LIST, or /DELETE.
/INSERT Inserts the right specified by the /RIGHTS parameter in the last position of the ACL of the user specified by the /USER parameter.
/MODIFY Modifies the right at the position specified by the /POSITION parameter in the ACL associated with the specified profile.
/DELETE Deletes the right at the position specified by the /POSITION parameter in the ACL associated with the specified profile.
/RIGHTS= Indicates the specific permissions being modified. A table of all possible permissions values follows.
/USER= Indicates the display name of the user who is being granted permissions on this mailbox.
/POSITION= Specifies the number associated with this entry.