ADDRINST Syntax and Parameters

    To run ADDRINST

Type the following on the command line:

ADDRINST /SITEDN=<site distinguished name> /NAME=<display name> /MACHINE=<computer type> /TYPE=<address type> /PROXYDLL=<proxy generation DLL> /SERVER=<server computer name> /GWPROXY=<gateway site proxy address> [/DELETE] [/HELP or /?]

ADDRINST Parameters

Flag Settings
/SITEDN= Specifies the organization name plus the site name. For example: /SITEDN=/o=Microsoft /ou=APPS-WGA
/NAME= Specifies the display name of the new address type. For example: EDK
/MACHINE= Specifies the type of computer on which the proxy generation DLL is installed. For example: i386, MIPS, ALPHA
/TYPE= Gives the address type, such as EDK, EX, or PROFS.
/PROXYDLL= Gives the full pathname of proxy generation DLL unless you are in the directory where the file resides, in which case the simple name is also correct. For example:


/SERVER= Specifies the server computer name.
/GWPROXY= Specifies the site proxy address for the gateway. For example:
/DELETE Deletes this address type rather than installing it.
/HELP or /? Displays Help information.