Installing the CRARUN Launch Application

    To install the Launch custom rule action at the client
  1. Change to the directory containing the CRARUN source files:


  2. Replace the directory with your source file directory by typing a command similar to this:


    You should receive the following acknowledgment:

    00 0000  KeyName: 
     ActionsUpdated value for Key: 
     Actions\Launch = 'REG_SZ 
    Custom Launch Rule Installed!
    To verify that the custom rule action was installed
  1. Choose Windows NT Diagnostics from the Administrative Tools group.
  2. Choose Registry Editor from the Tools menu in the Windows NT Diagnostics dialog box. Several windows representing Windows NT Registry keys appear.
  3. From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine window, choose SOFTWARE. Choose EXCHANGE\CLIENT\CUSTOM RULE ACTIONS and click once. The CRARUN.DLL custom rule action DLL should appear.