DSIMPORT: Importing Directory Objects

The DSIMPORT sample application demonstrates how to perform a directory import operation by calling the BatchImport function. It provides a simple skeleton that demonstrates how to fill the entries in the structure associated with BatchImport. It also demonstrates the results of BatchImport calls.

Both DIRSYNC and DSIMPORT provide source-code examples that can be used to develop more complex import applications, but the mechanism used for the import is not the same. Furthermore, DIRSYNC can only be used to import mailbox and custom recipient attributes, while DSIMPORT can import any directory object. For more information about BatchImport, see Using Directory Access Functions, Importing Data into Microsoft Exchange Server, and BIMPORT_PARMS.

For usage information, type DSIMPORT /? at the command prompt.

    To build DSIMPORT
  1. Change to the directory containing the DSIMPORT source files: \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\DSIMPORT
  2. Type NMAKE.