DSEXPORT: Exporting Directory Objects

The DSEXPORT sample application demonstrates how to perform a simple directory export operation by calling the BatchExport function. Its source code provides an outline of how to fill the entries in the structure associated with BatchExport, and can be used to demonstrate results of various BatchExport calls.

Both DIRSYNC and DSEXPORT provide source code templates that can be used to develop more complicated export applications, but the two applications use different mechanisms. DIRSYNC can only be used to export mailbox attributes, while DSEXPORT can export any directory object. For more information about BatchExport, see Using Directory Access Functions and BEXPORT_PARMS.

For usage information, type DSEXPORT /? at the command prompt.

    To build DSEXPORT
  1. Change to the directory containing the DSEXPORT source files:


  2. Type NMAKE.