Installing the CHKRFORM Sample Form

The Microsoft Exchange Server SDK provides the WCHECK.EXE sample form that you can install using the INSTFORM sample application. It allows two people to play a game of checkers.

To install a form in a forms library, you must prepare a .CFG file that describes the form. The CHKRFORM.CFG is included in this SDK. For more information, see The CHKRFORM.CFG File.

    To install the sample form in the personal forms library
  1. Change to the following directory:


  2. Type the following command on one line:

    INSTFORM /INSTALL CHKRFORM.CFG. /REGISTRY=PERSON /PROFILE=<name of profile used to set up form>

  3. If the information displayed in the dialog box is correct, choose OK. The Installing Form message box appears.
  4. If installation succeeds, the following message appears:
    Form installed successfully.

    To view the installed form
  1. Activate the Microsoft Exchange Client.
  2. Select Forms Manager from the Tools menu. The new form should be visible in the Personal Forms list box.

    To install the sample form in a folder
  1. Change to the following directory:


  2. Type the following command on one line:


  3. If the information displayed in the dialog box is correct, choose OK. The Installing Form message box appears.
  4. If installation succeeds, the following message appears:
    Form installed successfully.

    To verify installation in a folder
  1. Activate the Microsoft Exchange Client.
  2. Select the folder into which the form was installed.
  3. From the menu bar, select Compose. A new entry for CHEKRFORM should appear at the end of the list.

    To install the sample form in the local forms library
  1. Change to the following directory:


  2. Type the following command on one line:


  3. If the information displayed in the dialog box is correct, choose OK. The Installing Form message box appears.
  4. If installation succeeds, the following message appears:
    Form installed successfully.

    To verify installation in the local forms library
  1. Activate the Microsoft Exchange Client.
  2. Select Compose, then New Form. The CHEKRFORM form should be listed in the menu.

    To install the sample form into the organization forms library
  1. Start the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program.
  2. From the Tools menu, choose Forms Administrator.
  3. Choose New from the Organization Forms Library dialog box.
  4. Click OK for Organization Forms Library Administrator in the Library folder name text box.
  5. The Organization Forms Library Administrator dialog box is displayed again. Make sure Organization Forms Registry is highlighted. Click Permissions.
  6. The Forms Library Permissions dialog box is displayed. Click Add.
  7. Add a user to the permissions list for installing forms. The Add Users dialog box is displayed. Click the name of a user you want to add from the left list box. Click OK.
  8. In the Forms Registry Permissions dialog box, the newly added user appears in the top list box, with the default role of Reviewer displayed. Click the Roles combination box and assign the Owner to the user. This gives that person the ability to add new forms into the organization form Registry. Click OK.
  9. Close the Organization Forms Library Administrator dialog box.
  10. At a command prompt, type:

    /REGISTRY=ENTERPRISE /PROFILE=<user profile name>

    In this command, <user name> is the name of the user to whom you have just given Owner permission.

    To verify installation in the Organization Forms Library
  1. Start the Microsoft Exchange Client.
  2. From the Tools menu, choose Options. Select the Microsoft Exchange Server property page.
  3. Click Manage Forms. The Forms Manager dialog box is displayed with additional controls. Select the library you want to view by clicking the Set button opposite that entry.
  4. In the list box on the left, double-click Games, then double-click Board Games. If the sample form was installed properly, you will now see Checkers Sample Form. Click the name of the form to view its properties.

    – Or –

    Another way to confirm successful installation: within the client interface, from the Compose dialog box, select New Form. The Chekrform form should appear under Organization.