RULEEDIT Syntax and Parameters

    To run RULEEDIT

Type the following on the command line:

RULEEDIT [/PROFILE=<profile name>] [<folder>] [/LIST || /FILE= <ini file>] [PROVIDER=<provider name>]

[/HELP or /?]

RULEEDIT Parameters

Flag Settings
/FOLDER= Specifies the full path name of the target folder. The correct syntax is:

/FOLDER=<store name>\<folder path> or /FOLDER=INBOX

/LIST Instructs RULEEDIT to list rules in the specified folder.
/FILE= Specifies name of the .INI file containing information about actions to perform on the folder rules.
/PROVIDER= Specifies rule provider name to use when listing or modifying rules on the folder.
/HELP or /? Displays Help information.