Processing <poppst.ini>. Please wait.
If you supply the name of a recognizable .INI file and the command succeeds, POPPST displays the following success message:
PST populated successfully.
Providing the name of a bad .INI file produces the following message:
ERROR: .INI file bad..INI could not be opened.
Running POPPST without POPPST.INI (ie. running from \BIN or \WIN32\DEBUG) produces the following error message:
ERROR: 1 error written to the event log
(Event Error states: Can't open file poppst..INI)
An incorrect number of parameters produces this error:
ERROR: Parameter error. Enter POPPST /? for Help.
An .INI file without BODY.TXT produces the following error and warning messages:
ERROR: 1 error written to the event log
WARNING: 1 warning written to the event log
(Event Error: Internal program error: function OpenVirtualStreamOnFile(),
error code %%-2146762751)
(Event Warning: Using a temporary profile. No name
resolution will be performed)
Running POPPST without using a valid profile produces the following warning message:
WARNING: 1 warning written to the event log
(Event Warning: Using a temporary profile. No name
resolution will be performed)
Using a valid profile with invalid TO, CC, BCC, or FROM user names produces these error messages:
ERROR: 1 error written to the event log
Event Error: Could not resolve <field> name <user names>
message There are no more files. ;error code %%-2137221233.
If you have successfully created a new PST, the <pstname>.PST file will appear in the directory from which the command was run. If you have populated an existing PST, the message should appear in the Inbox.