To run SMBAGENT as a service
  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel. Select the service you installed, then click Start to start the service.
  2. When SMBAGENT is running, establish a topic. Send messages to the topic to test whether the messages have been correctly distributed.

    To establish a topic with SMBAGENT
  1. Select New Message from the Compose menu on the Microsoft Exchange Client. The New Message dialog box appears.
  2. In the To field of the dialog box, type the name of the mailbox agent. If you used the batch file to install the mailbox agent, your server name will be SAMPLEMBA.
  3. In the Subject field of the dialog box, type NEW and the topic name. For example, NEW INTERNET PROGRAMMING.
  4. In the body of the message, type the introductory message. Note that the introductory message can be included as an attachment, but SMBAGENT will not accept a link to the file. For example,

    This topic allows enlisted members to ask questions about
    internet programming and have them answered by other
    members of the group. Each member can also distribute any
    interesting articles regarding internet programming.

  5. Wait for a response. The following message should appear:
    The requested topic has been created

    To join a new topic
  1. On the Microsoft Exchange Client, select New Message from the Compose menu. The Microsoft Exchange New Message dialog box appears.
  2. In the To field of the dialog box, type the mailbox agent name.
  3. In the Subject field of the dialog box, type TOPICS.
  4. Send the message by selecting Send from the File menu.
  5. Wait for a response from the mailbox agent. You should receive a message containing a list of topics.
  6. Select New Message from the Compose menu on the Microsoft Exchange Client. The New Message dialog box appears.
  7. In the To field of the dialog box, type the mailbox agent name you selected.
  8. In the Subject field of the dialog box, type JOIN <your topic>. For example, JOIN INTERNET PROGRAMMING.
  9. Send the message by selecting Send from the File menu.
  10. Wait for a response from the mailbox agent. You should receive this message:
    You have been enlisted in the requested topic.  Attached is the introduction message

    The introduction message included in the previous message should be returned to you.

    To post a message to a new topic
  1. Select New Message from the Compose menu on the Microsoft Exchange Client. The New Message dialog box appears.
  2. In the To field of the dialog box, type the mailbox agent name.
  3. Type POST <your topic> in the Subject field of the dialog box.

    In the message field, type the information to post.

  4. Send the message by selecting Send from the File menu,.
  5. Wait for a response from the mailbox agent. You should receive the following message:
    The message has been successfully posted for the requested topic

    If you have joined the topic, you should receive a copy of the new message. All subscribers who have joined the topic should receive this new posting.

    While running SMBAGENT, you may want to examine the messages in the mailbox for the mailbox agent. If you install a profile for the mailbox agent, you can simply open this mailbox by logging on to the Microsoft Exchange Client using its profile. For a procedure, see PROFINST: Installing a MAPI Profile.

    Alternately, you can add the SMBAGENT mailbox to another profile.

    To add the SMBAGENT mailbox to another profile
  1. Log on to the Microsoft Exchange Client using the profile you would like to modify.
  2. From the Tools menu, choose Options.
  3. From the Services tab, choose Properties. From the Properties tab, choose Advanced.
  4. Click Add next to the Open these Additional Mailboxes: dialog box. The Add Mailbox dialog box appears.
  5. Type the display name for SMBAGENT in the box. Click OK.
  6. In the Advanced tab, click Apply. Then click OK. Close the options box.
  7. Exit from the Microsoft Exchange Client, then log in again. The mailbox agent's mailbox should appear in the left pane of your viewer.