LOOKUP: Finding a Proxy Address

The LOOKUP sample application enables you to enter a user's address and the address type to which you want it converted. The program does an exact match on the proxy address and is able to look up hidden recipients. The LOOKUP program does the following:

Note Some address types are case-sensitive and others are not. When comparing addresses, applications should compare byte-for-byte, and should always use uppercase for case-insensitive address types.

    To build LOOKUP
  1. Change to the directory containing the LOOKUP source files:


  2. Type NMAKE.

    To run LOOKUP
  1. At the command prompt, change to the \BKOFFICE\BIN directory.
  2. Type LOOKUP [ProfileName]. You will be prompted to enter the address you want resolved.
  3. To end the run, type EXIT at this prompt. Otherwise, enter an address to be resolved, in the format <address type>:<address>. For example:


    You will be prompted to enter the address type that you want returned.

  4. Enter the new address type; for example, MS for an address in Microsoft Mail format. If the resolved address is available, LOOKUP returns it and indicates whether it is a MAPI recipient. If the address is unavailable, LOOKUP returns an error message.
  5. Repeat, beginning with step 3.