
Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Clock-Alert-Offset The interval, in seconds, the clock is allowed to drift before alerting
Clock-Alert-Repair Indicates if Mailbeat should adjust the remote clock
Clock-Warning-Offset The interval, in seconds, the clock is allowed to drift before warning
Clock-Warning-Repair Indicates if Mailbeat should adjust the remote clock
Monitor-Clock Whether the config specifies to monitor the clock
Monitor-Services Whether the config specifics to monitor the services
Service-Action-First The set of actions to take when services misbehave...
Service-Action-Other The set of actions to take when services misbehave...
Service-Action-Second The set of actions to take when services misbehave...
Service-Restart-Delay The delay, in seconds, before a service will be restarted
Service-Restart-Message The message display prior to restarting a service