Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Common-Name X X.500 Common Name (DN of this object)
Deliv-Cont-Length Maximum message size in K bytes. (0 = 0K bytes, Absent = No limit)
Deliv-EITs EITs supported by the MTA
Deliv-Ext-Cont-Types Deliverable External Content Types - For X.400 conversion
Diagnostic-reg-key Registry Key where the diagnostic key/values are keptlog keys/values live
Expand-DLs-Locally An indication to the MTA if it should expand DLs in the origination domain
MTA-Local-Cred X.400 - Password the remote MTA must use when establishing a connection
MTA-Local-Desig X X.400 - MTA name
Trans-Retry-Mins X Retry interval for connecting to other MTAs
Trans-Timeout-Mins X timeout interval for connecting to other MTAs